Top 10 College Football Helmets

What are the 10 best college football helmets today and why? Look no further than right here for an answer.

LSU and Oregon are clearly bumped off while the other three I’m taking off my list from the one posted above are Arizona State, Miami, and Georgia.

LSU is gone for the noted reasons, Oregon is disqualified because they’re never consistent and Miami might have won a lot in the eighties and late nineties but what in any capacity is at all compelling about that helmet?

Georgia’s is just the Green Bay Packers helmet in different colors. Yawn.

And Arizona State has great colors but the devil spear really does nothing for me.

So who replaces them then?

Iowa‘s helmet has been a mainstay for them since 1979 and should stay forever. It’s a better black-and-yellow combination than anything Missouri or even the Pittsburgh Steelers offer.

The Wyoming Cowboys helmet needs in based on the uniqueness of the logo and the color scheme deserve love, too. Forget just the best helmet conversation, Wyoming should be on any short list of best college football uniforms.

Penn State can stay as their helmet has withstood the test of time.  It may have a limit on how high it can go on the overall rankings but that limit is still pretty high.

Alabama’s basic helmet with just the crimson base and bold white numbers simply feels like college football.

And Ohio State.  The basic silver is nothing special, sure, but factor in their Buckeye pride stickers and you’re suddenly cooking with gas.

NEXT: So how then do I rate my 10 best college football helmets?