Toomer’s Drugs reinvents lemonade with a summertime twist

This will help fans chill down on hot college football Saturdays.

Picture this: it’s a mid-afternoon, summertime game day in Auburn. You have people to see and tailgates to attend, but with a heat index near triple digits you’re in survival mode until game time.

Gentlemen, the ice in your cooler is melting and your shirt isn’t as crisp as it was an hour ago. Ladies, there isn’t enough setting spray in the world to keep your makeup on, but your hair looks great in that ponytail!

I’m speaking from personal experience here. I was at Jordan Hare in 2014 when Auburn played against Arkansas. That same week the university posted heat safety precautions for fans to follow. By the third quarter the stadium had run out of bottled water. Don’t even get me started on LSU 2018.

What if I told you that Toomer’s Drugs has concocted a refreshing remedy?

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On Monday morning, Toomer’s Drugs took to Instagram to announce an exciting new twist on a timeless classic. It’s Toomer’s lemonade, but frozen! Yep, fans can now get frozen lemonade with or without added flavors. It may not be a pill that makes you stop sweating, but it sure is a delicious treat to help cool you down.

I don’t know about y’all, but a 200-mile road trip for slushies looks pretty fun right about now.