Tom Brady unfairly got all the praise despite a lousy throw that Chris Godwin saved

This throw looked crafty … but are we sure it wasn’t just a savvy adjustment by the WR?

The Buccaneers did not get off to the best start in Carolina on Sunday. A week after a blowout loss to the rival Saints, Tampa Bay’s defense gave up two early scores and fell behind 14-3 early. The Bucs needed a scoring drive in the worst way, but that’s why they signed Tom Brady; to execute these “gotta have it” drives.

Like he has so many times throughout his career, Brady came through. He completed seven of nine passes for 64 yards and a touchdown. But that touchdown would not have been possible without a third-down conversion a few plays earlier. Facing third-and-7 from the Carolina 22, Brady eluded the rush and found Chris Godwin near the sideline for a first down.

Brady was widely praised for his ball placement on that pass. The corner had no chance with the throw coming in behind him, right into the hands of Godwin, who had made a fantastic adjustment to meet the ball.

Now … since nobody else is going to do, I feel like I have to ask: Are we sure Brady really meant to do that?

Maybe I’m just hating, but Brady had Godwin open on that out route if he just led him to the sideline. Why not just make that throw instead of hoping that Godwin would recognize what was happening, make the necessary adjustment and then make the catch?

Look at where Godwin was when Brady started loading up the throw.

There was plenty of time in the pocket. Godwin was open. Easy pitch and catch. Why complicate matters in the hopes that Godwin would be on the same page? It’s all risk and no reward.

Brady has had some issues throwing those out-breaking routes — as aging quarterbacks tend to do — and my theory is this was another one of those poor throws and things just happened to work out thanks to Godwin.

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