Tom Brady leaving the Patriots hurts a lot, but it’s the right move

Tom Brady deserves to go have some new fun.

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Tom Brady is no longer a member of the New England Patriots, which is painful news for Patriots fans.

I know, because I am one.

Before Brady took over as the starting QB in New England, the Patriots were just your average NFL franchise that made it to the Super Bowl every now and then but had many, many terrible years in which their games weren’t even on local TV because they stunk so badly.

Now the franchise is a dynasty that has won six Super Bowls since 2001, which is insane.

And it’s all because of Brady.

And Bill Belichick.

The two legends are now broken up, set to go their own ways and take on new challenges that will endlessly be talked about and broken down by everyone who follows the sport of football. It’s something that has been debated for years – can Brady and Belichick still be good without each other?

Oh, the drama.

By the way, the answer to that question is yes, yes they can.

While this move hurts and came at a really crappy time in the world – and on St. Patrick’s Day, of all days for Boston fans – it was the right thing to have happen. Brady has earned the right to go play somewhere new in the final few years of his career and see if he can make some new NFL history before calling it quits and maybe going back to eating like a normal person eats.

Tampa Bay is likely going to be his new home, which is perfect for Patriots fans. They can still root for No. 12 because he’ll be in the NFC chasing down new dreams with some pretty good offensive weapons on his side.

If he came back to the Patriots he’d face another year where only going to a Super Bowl would be considered a success. The grind of being held to such high standards has to wear on you, even though it is a product of the incredible success that he’s had in the past. Brady often didn’t look like he was having fun last season as the offense struggled and the injuries on the offensive side of the ball mounted. He still went 12-4 but the year was considered a bad one because of how it ended and because of how Brady struggled to be the Brady everyone has seen for so many years.

Now he gets to go to Tampa where a new set of fans will be pumped to watch as he attempts to go to another Super Bowl, even at the age of 43. The expectations will still be there – but anything from here on out is just gravy.

Also, it will probably be nice for him to have a new boss. While he and Belichick have seemed to have a good relationship, it can’t be easy to work for the same guy for that many years, no matter how much success you’ve had together. That type of relationship can also grind you down, even though Belichick said some really heartfelt and classy things about his former QB on Tuesday.

Now Belichick gets a chance to use some of the team’s money to fill in the numerous gaps that the roster currently has. He gets to either find a new QB via free agency or a trade or work with a young guy already on the roster and try to build a winner when everyone is ready to throw dirt on the Patriots’ grave.

Breakups are never easy, but sometimes they have to happen. Especially in sports when Father Time often dictates the length of those relationships.

Brady gets a fresh start with house money, as his legacy is already set. Nobody really cares about what Joe Montana did with the Chiefs or what Joe Namath did with the Rams or what Brett Favre did with the Vikings and Jets. We know those guys are legends. And we know Brady is the GOAT.

Belichick gets to see if he can play the ultimate chess game with a new cast of characters.

Now, things become fun for both Brady and Belichick yet again after all these years.

Though it’s not all that fun for Patriots fans right now.

Tuesday’s biggest winner: Buffalo’s mayor and his advice to Bills fans celebrating Brady’s exit.

(Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

We’re living in very serious times but we still need some humor and laughs in our lives. Buffalo mayor Byron Brown provided just that while talking to his city about following new social distancing guidelines but yet still celebrating Brady’s departure from the AFC East. Well done, Byron Brown. Thank you.

Quick hits: Durant’s uplifting message after diagnosis… Edelman’s emotional Tom Brady tribute video… Manziel’s on-brand advice… And more.

(Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images)

– Kevin Durant provided an inspiring message after testing positive for the coronavirus.

– Julian Edelman used a classic Whitney Houston song for his tribute video to Tom Brady.

– Johnny Manziel said if he can stay out of the clubs then people should able to quarantine.

– Rob Gronkowski has some toilet paper advice.

– Here’s a good take on why you shouldn’t be mad at NBA players for being able to get tested so quickly for the coronavirus.