Tobias Harris, Sixers congratulate Paul Reed for graduating college

Tobias Harris and the Philadelphia 76ers give love to Paul Reed for graduating college from DePaul.

When a player leaves for the NBA before he graduates college, it isn’t always the case that they will go back and earn their degree. It takes a lot of time and dedication to want to do that as a professional basketball player.

For Philadelphia 76ers big man Paul Reed, he wanted to go back to DePaul and finish what he started.

On Sunday, Reed graduated college and he made a post on Instagram celebrating his success with his family and friends. Considering how much time has to be given to earn a college degree, congratulations were in order for the energetic fan favorite in Philadelphia.

Sixers teammates Tobias Harris and Danny Green took to Instagram to give their congratulations to Reed on their own personal stories. A lot of credit goes to the 22-year old who was able to achieve a personal goal of his as he moves forward in life.