Titans’ Steve Underwood wears facial hair to ‘confuse facial recognition devices’

Former Titans CEO Steve Underwood spoke about his facial hair going viral.

There’s hardly any argument that it’s been a weird offseason for the NFL — and things just got a little weirder on the Tennessee Titans’ front recently.

When the news of the second retirement of Titans president Steve Underwood hit, so did the first-time realization of Underwood’s facial hair by many.

Underwood has accomplished a lot worth recognizing in his career, but it’s funny where people sometimes tend to invest their attention.

“I work my fingers to the bone for 40 years, and what comes out of it — people are talking about my mustache and beard,” Underwood laughingly told John McClain of the Houston Chronicle.

“I never take myself too seriously, so I’m okay with it,” he said. “I’m not a very attractive guy, and what people notice is all the facial hair. Over time, it’s become part of my persona. I get a lot of compliments about my beard and mustache, usually from others who have beards and mustaches.”

So, why has Underwood chosen to stick with this look? He’s got an answer for that question.

“I wear it to confuse facial recognition devices,” he said, jokingly.

As for other questions people had about his facial hair, Underwood says he has no problem eating with it, and he is still able to kiss his wife, who likes his setup.

“Eating is a problem I’ve never had,” he said. “I’m asked occasionally how I’m able to kiss my wife, Frances, and that’s not a problem, either.

“Frances likes it. She helps me trim it every week. It can be a little bit of a nuisance, and it can get a little rough around the edges between trims, but we try to keep it clean and well-groomed.”

If there’s one thing that’s for certain, it’s that Underwood will never be confused with another figure in the sports world, and that he may go down in history better known for his look than anything else.