Tiger Woods documentary set for HBO, could run near November Masters

The documentary is being based on the book “Tiger Woods” by best-selling authors Armen Keteyian and Jeff Benedict.

First Michael Jordan and Lance Armstrong got the star treatment in ESPN documentaries highlighting their extraordinary careers. Now, it appears Tiger Woods’s life is set to be examined in an HBO documentary.

Speaking on the podcast “Burst Your Bubble,” noted journalist Armen Keteyian shared that “Tiger Woods,” the New York Times No. 1 best-selling book he co-authored with Jeff Benedict in 2018, is being made into a two-part, four-hour-long DocuSeries that is expected to air later this year on HBO.

“Don’t be surprised if it airs right around the Masters in November,” Keteyian said.

Keteyian added that CBS golf analyst and Hall of Famer Nick Faldo, HBO Sport’s Bryant Gumbel and other central figures in Tiger’s life, including some that declined to speak for the book, will make appearances. Keteyian noted that golf writers Michael Bamberger, Alan Shipnuck and Karen Crouse also lent perspective and insight.

It had been announced in March 2018 that the docu-series rights had been purchased without a home, and Oscar-winning producer Alex Gibney of Jigsaw Productions was teaming with Matthew Hamacheck and Matthew Heineman as the principal directors of the project.

Keteyian said he had watched the final two hours earlier in the day.

“It’s a fabulous job,” he said.

Any other juicy tidbits, you can share?

“My lips are sealed,” he said.

Such a tease, Armen. In any event, we can’t wait.

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