Tiger Woods and his caddie recently had beers and watched the final round of the Masters

This must have been a fun time for Tiger and his caddie.

Last April Tiger Woods picked up maybe the most meaningful victory of his legendary career when he turned back the clock a bit and won the Masters for the fifth time.

It was a win that had just about everyone glued to their TVs just like old times, watching the greatest golfer alive chase down his first major since 2008. It was a moment many of us thought might never happen again, which made it all the more incredible to witness.

Tiger was recently glued to his TV watching that very final round as he and his caddie, Joe LaCava, had some beers and had a lot fun time breaking down the legendary day.

Tiger told Martin Dempster of the Scotsman:

“I sat down and watched it with Joe [LaCava],” added Woods of a success that re-ignited his bid to chase down the record 18 majors won by Jack Nicklaus after a drought of nearly nine years. “He came down to do a TV spot then he and I just sat there, had a few beers and watched it. We spoke about the conversations that we had over each shot; some of our friends and family who were there were like ‘Oh my God, you guys really talked about that?’

“But that’s what we were talking about, that’s what was going on. We were running through all the scenarios, Joe looking at the boards, I am looking at the boards. We were trying to figure out what was going on; who birdied what, who was 
making a move.

“We were having those discussions in the fairway about what we needed
to do while still staying focussed about executing. So it was a lot of fun seeing it back and sharing it with Joe because he has been through all the tough times with me as well as the good times.”

Oh to be a fly on the wall in that room. What a fun time that must have been for Tiger and LaCava.

Let’s do it all again in a few months.

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