Thursdays are virtual locker room days for Browns players

Browns center JC Tretter talked about how the players have created a virtual locker room every Thursday

Thursday means players’ locker room day for the Cleveland Browns. Even in the coronavirus pandemic, the players are still efforting to stay close and have their “us” time together.

Center JC Tretter talked about the process of making a virtual locker room every Thursday for players only during his conference call with reporters earlier this week.

″[On Thursdays] special teams meets and the rest of the guys kind of sit on a Zoom call and just do what you would have done if you were sitting in the locker room,” Tretter said. “Talk and chat and we’ll go over plays and Baker will run us through different things and we’ll talk through our calls.”

It’s as close as the players can get to working together during the pandemic.

“A lot of that is just a chance to get to know each other and see each other’s personalities. We have a lot of new additions. What are their families like, how are they doing, where are they living, all that stuff is important. We’ve kind of got that built into our program, allowing players to take the lead and go through plays as well as just be guys in the locker room, just virtually.”

This is done outside the structure of the Browns’ own offseason activities, which have been going on for over three weeks.