This Stardew Valley player spent 100 years making the perfect farm

One Stardew Valley fan set themselves the challenge of making a perfect farm with every item in the life-sim, and it only took 100 years

One Stardew Valley fan set themselves the challenge of making a perfect farm with every item in the life-sim, and while it took nearly 100 in-game years, they’ve just about reached their goal. Reddit user violetswan76 posted screenshots of their farm and a bit about how they keep the challenge interesting as they enter year 98 of their farm, in spite of so much repetition (thanks, GamesRadar).

“I reached perfection somewhere in [year 60] and I was already very far in before the Ginger Island update ever existed,” they said on Reddit. “I’ve been collecting complete stacks of 999 of everything since long before that. You name it I’ve probably got a whole stack of it.”

That includes crops and processed goods of all quality levels, building and upgrade materials, and even recipes, which violetswan said is particularly challenging since you need to grow all the necessary crops for them, which takes quite a long time. There are no mods, though, so violetswan is only working with the items and locations you get in the game’s official release.

Year 98 Farm with NO mods! Trying to make it to 100. Farm pics, stats an collections
by u/violetswan76 in StardewValley

It’s quite the task, especially since, as several commenters on the thread said, most people stop playing or restart with a new farm in the indie game after 10 years or so, when they’ve completed most activities and done what they wanted.

“I do get bored with it sometimes and walk away, sometimes for months,” violetswan said. “But then I’ll invent a new little challenge for myself and get working on it.”

They’ve tried starting new farms, but never make it beyond six years.

The current challenge is finishing their fish and roe collection and then aging 999 of every wine and quality. Silver and gold are the ones they need, to complement their collection of 999 iridium wines.

As for how long all this took in real time, violetswan said they have over 3,300 hours in the year 98 farm, which is about 137 days. 

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF