The wise financial advice Carmelo Anthony has for young players during a crisis

Carmelo Anthony gave some strong advice.

Everybody was shocked when the NBA decided to postpone its season.

On Wednesday night, after Rudy Gobert tested positive for Coronavirus, the league instantly made the right call to just push the season back.

Still, many people were taken aback by the fact that there would be no basketball for the foreseeable future. Among those people were the Blazers’ CJ McCollum and Carmelo Anthony.

The two were in the middle of recording the 100th episode of McCollum’s Pull Up podcast when McCollum got a text about the season being put on hold.

You can hear it in their voices. Neither of them expected for this to be the decision that was made.

“Anthony: So we’re not playing?

McCollum: I’m under the impression that we’re not going to play tomorrow slash today when this comes out.” 

From there, Anthony kind of just took things over with the sage advice for young players that only a veteran could give.

“As athletes, we never think that it can happen to us. We’re always, we’re good. I got this money, I got that money. It’s not until you hit a crisis when you really understand how much money you have… It’s going to get really, really bad.”

He basically went into Marshawn Lynch “protect your chicken” mode. Those are wise words from the 17-year vet. Hopefully, folks are listening.

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