The Texans are reportedly refusing to trade Deshaun Watson and things are getting really messy

This is going to get messy.

Deshaun Watson wants out of Houston, but if the Texans have their way he’ll still be playing in Houston once the season rolls around.

They simply refuse to trade the star quarterback. He’s asked out of Houston and has demanded a trade. They’re even receiving calls for him. But, according to a report from ESPN’s Adam Schefter, the Texans have no plans to move him.

And, not only do they not have plans on moving him, but they’re also saying that their plans will not change. Basically, there’s nothing that will happen between now and when next season starts that will convince the Texans to move on from Watson.

“Other teams around the NFL have gotten that message and now they are waiting to see whether the Texans’ stance will change, but sources within and around the organization told ESPN that their position will not change.”

This situation has a chance to become pretty messy, pretty quickly. Watson is clearly done with the Texans, but the team won’t let him move on.

On top of that, they’re making “sweeping organizational changes” on the inside. The Texans reportedly dismissed three key employees, including equipment manager Mike Parson who reportedly had a close relationship with Watson.

Players were upset with the moves — particularly with Parson. J.J. Watt tweeted Parson’s praises after news broke about the move.

This just feels like yet another unforced error from the Texans that does nothing but upset their players, including Watson.

The thing is, yes, they could simply not trade Watson. He’s under contract until 2025 and they could franchise tag him for another three years after that. But they’re setting this up to be a real mess. And carrying that around for however long they choose to do it might be worse than an actual trade.

We’ll see how things end up. At this rate, though? They’re not looking great.

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