The special reason why Virginia Tech has the Yankees’ logo on its helmets in the Pinstripe Bowl

The Hokies are paying a special tribute the Yankees in the Pinstripe Bowl.

Virginia Tech and Maryland are squaring off today in the Pinstripe Bowl at Yankee Stadium in a battle of 6-6 teams that are looking to complete their seasons on a high note.

If you’re watching, you might have noticed the Hokies have “NY”, the logo of the Yankees, on the side of their helmets.

Well, there’s a special reason why they have chosen to do that today – after the campus shooting at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007 the Yankees donated $1 million the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund and also played an exhibition game on campus.

Today, Virginia Tech is showing its gratitude toward the Yankees for their support during those difficult days.

Pretty sweet.

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