The play sent the crowd into a frenzy …

The play sent the crowd into a frenzy and had the building shaking — the same crowd that Irving had seemingly fed off, sending their bile back as buckets. He also offered a double-finger salute behind his head, and cursed out a fan who’d cursed at him walking into the halftime locker room.  “It’s the same energy they had for me, and I’m going to have the same energy for them,” Irving said. “And it’s not every fan; I don’t want to attack every Boston fan. But when people start yelling p–sy, and b–ch and f–k you and all this other stuff, there’s only but so much you can take as a competitor. And we’re the ones expected to be docile and be humble and take a humble approach? Nah, f–k that.  “It’s the playoffs. This is what it is. I know what to expect in here, and it’s the same energy I’m giving back to them. … All’s fair in competition. So if somebody’s going to call me out by my name, I’m going to look them straight in the eye and see if they’re really about it. Most of the time they’re not.”