The NFL’s scouting combine will not be the same in 2021

The combine is another victim of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

The annual scouting combine is one of the biggest and most important times on the NFL calendar. Unfortunately, the massive event in Indianapolis that brings together hundreds of draft prospects with every NFL coach, scout, GM and enough credentialed media to require a massive ballroom at the Indianapolis convention center will not go on as normal.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced major changes to the combine as we know it. Albert Breer of Sports Illustrated noted several of the changes that are expected, stemming from a call on Friday from organizers.

Among the expected changes:

  • Interviews via Zoom
  • More structured, formalized college pro days
  • Regional medical checks

The NFLPA has hinted at major changes to the combine in the last two weekly conference calls with reporters, but this is the first we’ve gotten actual details of what the alterations might look like.

There is no word on if the traditional press conferences with every coach and GM will still take place. Typically it’s the first time many of them meet with the media after the season.

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