The Napkin: Week 2 betting recap includes an apology to the Texas Longhorns

I’d like to personally apologize to the Texas Longhorns program and its entire fan base. It seems y’all “have the dog in you” and my slander in The Napkin was unwarranted.

Last week’s edition of The Napkin was centered around exciting non-conference games throughout the country. And, oh boy, did we get some excitement last Saturday.

Only two weeks into the season and it feels like we’re already in midseason form. We had upsets galore across the country, including the Gators’ disappointing performance against Kentucky. We will not go into that game here as there is plenty of coverage of that across Gators Wire.

This season is giving me 2007 vibes. I know, that’s a bold statement. The 2007 season was one of the craziest in recent memory, with what felt like an upset happening every week. Three USA Today top 10 teams lost on Saturday, two at the hands of Sun Belt opponents. Alabama looked human against Texas (more on that in a bit). And multiple games were decided in overtime.

Betting-wise, I had a much better Week 2 than I did Week 1. In no way have things “settled down” in college football. It is, however, reassuring to know that my betting logic is sound, despite multiple bets coming down to the wire.

Here’s a recap of what my Week 2 picks looked like.

And now, let’s see how we did.