The Napkin: Week 11 betting recap has potential future Heisman QB living up to hype

Three young QBs. One forgot how to play football. One didn’t even see the field. One looked like he could win the Heisman next season. Somehow, someway, it all added up to a winning week. Sports Betting!

One thing I like to keep consistent on The Napkin is my belief that process is more important than results. If you maintain a consistent process, then the results will follow. It’s a philosophy I like to maintain in my life and it applies to my betting as well.

That process finally, and I mean finally, saw results. I have consistently been selecting three games that surround a weekly narrative. There’s that “behind the scenes” of my writing you’ve been wondering about.

Last week, the theme was “Young QBs”. I chose three teams that had young quarterbacks that I thought could lead their teams to victory in massive games. One of them laid a massive goose egg, one of them didn’t play, and the last one proved why he is going to be a preseason favorite for the Heisman next season, and might even get some votes this season.

Let’s take a look at how I did last week.

Here’s a recap of what my Week 11 picks looked like.