The Mandalorian: What we learned from episode 5, ‘The Gunslinger’

Who was that character that appeared in the final moments of the episode?

“The Mandalorian” dives into yet another side quest for Mando (Pedro Pascal) and Baby Yoda in the fifth episode, “The Gungslinger.”

Even as the pair navigates life as fugitives, the overarching direction of the show remains unclear. We still know very little about MEME Lord Baby Yoda, who is at the center of the show’s plot. Because Mando isn’t particularly talkative, he hasn’t provided much information on what his plans are for his and Baby Yoda’s future.

The fifth episode felt like another compelling trip down a rabbit hole (much like the second episode, “The Egg”), but the show’s big questions remain a mystery. Here is what we learned from the latest episode of “The Mandalorian” on Disney+.

1. Tatooine!

On first watch, I missed the line of dialogue — “This is Mos Eisley tower.” — that clues the viewer into what planet Mando uses as a place of refuge in episode five. But when he makes an emergency landing on a nondescript desert planet, I began to piece it together. The landscape looked all-too-familiar. Could it be, Tatooine? It is. It’s the home of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Mando lands in the city, Mos Eisley. In “Star Wars: A New Hope,” Ben Kenobi had a few thoughts on this spot: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

For the most part, Mos Eisley hasn’t changed. Both suns still rise and set. Money rules. And the city has a knack for lawlessness. Even the original space cantina — which established one of Star Wars’ set pieces (the cantina scene) — serves as a setting for Mando’s negotiations with a young bounty hunter.

2. Mando isn’t done with bounty hunting.

Because Mando’s space ship takes significant damage in a shootout at the start of the episode, he has to take another bounty assignment to pay for the repairs. Mando has to work on a non-guild project, however. He’s been expelled from it, and is, fact, a target for guild members.

That begs the question: Why doesn’t this young bounty hunter know that Mando is a potential assignment? Apparently, there isn’t a digital “Most Wanted” service, which is awfully convenient for Mando and Baby Yoda.

3. Mando really hates droids.

Mando has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t like droids. In the first episode, he’s reluctant to work with a bounty droid. In this episode, he won’t even let pit droids (which look a lot like the ones Jar Jar clumsily knocks around in “The Phantom Menace”) work on his damaged spaceship.

This hasn’t to become relevant soon, right? Maybe they’re setting up some sort of reveal about Mando’s identity.

4. Mando is a terrible dad.

Photo courtesy of Disney.

I’m probably burying the lede here, because everyone loves Baby Yoda. He’s currently the Lamar Jackson of the Star Wars universe — electric and universally loved. So I think everyone will be in agreement when I say that Mando gets awfully cavalier with fatherhood in this episode.

Not only does he leave the child in his spaceship while he heads to the cantina, but he also lets a stranger babysit the adorable kiddo for the second consecutive episode. What’s more, Mando shoots and kills someone who is holding Baby Yoda.

Note to Mando: THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE BABY IN THE GALAXY. Also, he’s got force powers and may be the most important baby in the galaxy. Stop shooting in Baby Yoda’s general direction.

5. Fans believe Boba Fett made an appearance at the end of the episode.

The final shot of the episode shows the dead body of Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen), who was Mando’s target earlier in the episode. Then: footsteps.

Who could it be?

Fans think they know. They’ve compared the sounds of those footsteps in episode five to those of Boba Fett’s in “The Empire Strikes Back.”

Some background: Boba Fett was thought to be dead in the Battle of Carkoon – the one with the Sarlaac – in “Return of the Jedi,” but Star Wars confirmed he’s alive. Fett is a Mandalorian, a bounty hunter and the clone of Jango Fett. Perhaps The Client has hired him to hunt down Mando.

But it’s a case of infinite possibility for this character. It’s possible, for example, that it is Darth Maul, who needed robotic legs after Obi Wan Kenobi sliced him in half. What’s most likely? It’s probably Moff Gideon, played by Giancarlo Esposito, who we have yet to see appear in the show.

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