The IOC won’t do the right thing with the Olympics, so nations need to do it for them

The IOC won’t do the right thing with the 2020 Olympics, so nations must join together and force their hand.

If the IOC isn’t going to do the right thing, it’s up to participating nations to do it for them.

The International Olympic Committee has refused to make a decision on the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo so far, despite a pandemic of coronavirus which has overwhelmed hospitals, shut down sport leagues worldwide, and threatened to crater the global economy.

Canada became the first country to go ahead and make their own decision this week, announcing Sunday that it would not be sending its athletes to the 2020 Games if they weren’t postponed. The Canadians have shown the way — it’s now up to the other countries to follow suit.

The IOC so far has taken the “let’s cross our fingers and hope this all works out” approach, undoubtedly terrified of the massive logistical nightmare that will come from rescheduling the games. I’m also certain that there are no small financial considerations being taken into account.

But the idea that the world will have beaten COVID-19 by this summer is preposterous. It’s not going to happen. To try and host the games would be reckless, not only for the health of the athletes, but for global health.

(Though, quickly, this virus will also affect athletes. An Olympic swimmer contracted the disease and described it as the “worst virus I have ever endured.” Forget this being something that only affects the elderly or immunocompromised. One of the best athletes alive was left weakened in bed for weeks.)


For a global health community that is trying to stem the tide of people infected with COVID-19, a novel virus with no built-in immunity … anywhere, the extensive travel and crowding that would come with an Olympic games is like a perfect recipe for a massive outbreak of the disease.

Experts say vaccines could be a year away at least. This isn’t going away anytime soon.

It’s clear, it’s on the individual nations to force the IOC’s hand.

The United States looks like it might be heading in that direction — the USA Track and Field team has already called for the postponement, as has USA Swimming.

There is power in numbers. Canada has taken the first step, and it’s time for other countries to follow suit.

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