The description of Augustin as “by far …

The description of Augustin as “by far the worst player” and the 12 likes the question received on Twitter angered Vucevic when he read the mailbag Friday, and he was still so irate after Sunday’s victory that he addressed the subject after he was asked by a reporter from the team website about Augustin’s performance against the Rockets. “I saw Josh did a Q&A with fans, and they were all going at D.J. and saying all this stupid stuff,” Vucevic said. “They have no idea. I mean, they’re just saying stupid stuff. They have no idea. They were just saying stupid stuff that made no sense and calling him the ‘worst player’ and this and that. As a ‘Pure Magic’ fan, you don’t say things like that. Honestly, it pissed me off because I know D.J., how much he cares and how much of a pro he is and how much he’s given (to the team).”