The Celtics still need one more win. In …

The Celtics still need one more win. In this exhausting series, they know how much that will take. Brown said Antetokounmpo doesn’t seem to tire like normal players. When he keeps coming, as he will, Brown said the Celtics need to do the same. They have a deep respect for the cast around Antetokounmpo, too. The Bucks don’t quit. “I think they’re a great team,” said Tatum. “I think everyone over there knows their role and everybody is a star in their role. They complement each other really well. They’re well-coached, they run great sets, and they’re not going to beat themselves. And they’ve done it before. And we know that. Coming into this series, we knew it wasn’t gonna be easy — by no means. Whoever wins is gonna have to earn it.”