The CBS Sports broadcast booth blasted Iron Bowl referees for missing a blatant Alabama facemask grab

How did the referees miss this facemask grab?

Alabama football got away with the most blatant facemask pull on Auburn in Saturday’s annual Iron Bowl, the CBS Sports broadcast team let the officiating have it all the way from the booth.

Broadcasters Brad Nessler, Gary Danielson and Gene Steratore tore into the horrific missed call, which saw Auburn running back Brian Battie’s facemask swung around by Alabama wide receiver Kendrick Law on a special teams return play.

Nessler went so far as to say it’s the worst no-call he’s seen in college football this year, and Danielson said you would have to not understand the sport of football itself to not see that this was a facemask penalty. Ouch.

The Crimson Tide clearly got away with a huge, huge penalty on this play, and it’s not often you’ll see a broadcast crew like the one at CBS Sports just go off on how bad a call went for any respective team.

However, on Saturday, Nessler, Danielson and Steratore did just that.

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