The Cardinals announced Kyler Murray’s Rookie of the Year win with an old Kanye West album cover

Who knew the Cardinals were this cool?

Sports team social media accounts are almost always hit or miss. Either something is extremely dope or extremely corny — we respect the effort either way.

The Arizona Cardinals did something that was on the extremely dope end of the spectrum. It was announced that Kyler Murray is the NFL’s Offensive Rookie of The Year on Saturday, and the Cardinals dropped a pretty cool graphic to celebrate.

They borrowed some artwork from Kanye West’s CLASSIC (I repeat, CLASSIC) album, Graduation.

Instead of the old Kanye West bear we’re used to on the cover, it’s Murray. And instead of him flying off from college with a degree, he’s flying from the Cardinals’ stadium with a trophy in hand.

They also used the “Don’t act like we never told ya” lyric from West’s “Stronger” which made the tweet that much better.

As a fan of literally every single one of Kanye West’s old albums before 2010, I have to say this is super cool to see. I guess this would be considered a throwback now? Sheesh, we’re getting old.

Shoutout to the Cardinals for being so creative here and shoutout to Murray for winning the award — he earned it. That’s only part of the reason why I needed to write this post.

The other part was this: Yeezus was trash.

[jwplayer gdneVRtU-q2aasYxh]