The Boston Dynamics robots have learned how to dance and it’s terrifying

It’s really over for us.

Every single year without fail Boston Dynamics upgrades their humanoid robots giving them another skill that will aid them in their ultimate mission to rebel and destroy humankind.

The latest upgrade? Dance moves. The robots have, apparently, learned how to dance. They are now ready to dance on our graves when the time comes. Imagine it now — a group of robots, just busting the Cupid Shuffle on your neck. Wild, isn’t it?

The most terrifying part is they’re actually really good at it. Like, really really good. They dance better than some (maybe most?) humans. They’re on beat and everything.

They’re doing “the twist” y’all. It’s absolutely terrifying.

If you’re terrified by this latest upgrade, wait until you get a load of the rest of them.