The best Twitter reactions to James Harden-to-Brooklyn trade

Surprise, surprise: a lot was said on social media in response to Brooklyn’s trade for James Harden.

When James Harden first expressed he wanted to leave Houston for Brooklyn before the start if the 2020-21 season, New Orleans Pelicans guard Josh Hart tweeted: “I was already over 2020 but if James goes to Brooklyn then I’ll see y’all 2022 cause they got 2021Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy.”

Hart’s tweet in reaction to the potential move may have garnered the most attention back in November, but had he tweeted that out when the news broke about the deal on Wednesday, the guard’s reaction might have fallen through the cracks.

Here are some of the best Twitter reactions from Wednesday in response to the James Harden-to-Brooklyn trade: