The best Super Mario power ups ranked from weak to wowie zowie

Our Super Mario power ups ranked list holds the Nintendo mascot’s abilities to the light to see which ones are worth their salt

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Putting the best Super Mario power ups in ranked order is a trip through the long-running franchise’s history, a tale of failed experiments and surprisingly creative endeavors. Any series that’s been knocking around for over 30 years inevitably puts out some duds, and Mario is no different. Tempting as it may be to lay the blame on the (rightly) maligned New Super series, some of the classic Super Mario games have their fair share of stinkers. 

We put our favorite Mario power ups in order here, though since Super Mario Wonder wasn’t available at the time of publication, we didn’t include those yet.

If you’re after more Mario fun, check out our 2D Mario cover art ranking and the best Charles Martinet voice lines.