The best Genshin Impact Hydro characters ranked from wet blanket to tidal wave

Our Genshin Impact Hydro characters list lays out what makes the best water fighters so good and where the others fall flat.

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A Genshin Impact Hydro characters ranked list looks different than other Genshin rankings. Unlike Electro characters, the Hydro hierarchy is pretty flat, except at the bottom, where it drops out rapidly. Hydro characters excel at filling fluid (ha) roles, sliding between support, DPS, and sub-DPS depending on who else is in your party. That means most of them function pretty much the same way – applying Hydro and setting up reactions – though some manage to do their duty more easily and with less fuss than others.

Our Genshin Impact Hydro characters list lays out what makes the best water fighters so good and where the others fall flat.