The Bachelor: Making sense of the rumor that Peter ends up with a producer

Running off with a producer may be Peter’s best option at this point.

Peter Weber has narrowed his cast of eligible Bachelorettes from 30 down to four, and on Monday’s episode we’ll see Peter meet the families of the four women he believes could potentially be his wife during hometown dates.

Peter’s season has been incredibly chaotic, and while there’s one clear favorite remaining on the cast, it’s easy to imagine all of his relationships ending in heartbreak. According to a recent rumor sweeping Bachelor Nation, though, the wildest twists are yet to come.

Last week, Reddit user Krallie posted a fairly convincing argument that Peter spurns his actual cast members and ends up with Bachelor producer Julie LaPlaca, and Bachelor fans are running with the theory.

Via Reddit user Krallie:

“I feel 98% confident that Peter winds up with the producer, Julie LaPlaca. A friend brought it up to me earlier and I just went down a rabbit hole investigating. I’m super on board with this theory for the below reasons:

They spent New Years Eve together, with his family. (Check her tagged pics, there’s a pic from his dad with her and their family at dinner.)”

(LaPlaca is seated to Peter’s right.)

LaPlaca also worked on Hannah Brown’s season of The Bachelorette, so she and Peter would have a history, and it’s likely that they spend a lot of time with each other during filming. As we see on the show at times, one role of the producer is to console the star of the season and the cast members, so it’s entirely plausible that Peter could have developed feelings for a show staff member. The narrative also fits at this point in the show, as Krallie points out.

“On the previews he says he’s “crazy in love with her”. We are down to 6 (I think?) girls and and he doesn’t even seem a little bit in love with any of them yet. Not crazy since they don’t get a ton of time together, but he gets tons of time with his producer… My guess is that she leaves because she doesn’t want to see him get engaged to someone else, and he winds up going after HER.”

We know from the season and episode previews that Bachelor host Chris Harrison will drop a bomb on Peter late in the season, potentially on the day that he plans to propose. Harrison tells Peter there’s something he should know that Harrison “just found out.” Fans speculated at the start of the season that Harrison’s revelation could be Hannah B.-related, but Krallie’s suggestion that Harrison tells Peter about a producer leaving is believable.

By far my favorite justification, though, is this:

“Yet another tagged photo shows her in a Seahawks hat.”

Peter is a Seahawks fan. She wore a Seahawks hat. It must be true!

Still, a quick review of Peter’s remaining relationships shows that his best option might be to pursue another option.

  • Madison: The clear favorite, but Peter may not be able to abide her ultimatum over having sex with other contestants.
  • Hannah Ann: Peter doesn’t seem entirely convinced that Hannah Ann, 22, is ready for marriage
  • Kelsey: Probably should have been eliminated weeks ago
  • Victoria F: Doesn’t seem to like Peter all that much, and the hometown date preview signaled the end of their relationship.

The rumor has gained so much momentum that ABC executive Robert Mills publicly addressed it, and did not “confirm or deny” the theory.

Via People:

“Well, I hate to get in the way of a good rumor, so I’m not going to confirm or deny about whether he ends up with a producer! I don’t know how we’d ever top that though! But, it is crazy.”

If the producer theory turns out to be true, it wouldn’t be the first time a crew member gets romantically involved in a season starring a pilot. During Jake Pavelka’s season of The Bachelor, contestant Rozlyn Papa was disqualified from the show for engaging in an “inappropriate relationship” with someone working on the show.

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