The 10 worst Legendary Pokémon

As it turns out, not all Legendary Pokémon are all that special. Here are the 10 worst Legendaries of all time.

It’s funny: not all Legendary Pokémon are particularly legendary. While some of the best Legendaries are comfortably nestled among the Pokémon elite, there are also quite a few who seem to have MacGyvered a claim to that title out of thin air. In reality, it’s difficult to be impressed by a rabbit, a horse, or some form of green blob.  

Admittedly, it’s probably not fair to call them awful — after all, none of them are included in our list of the worst Pokémon ever designed. Still, Woobat and Bruxish aren’t going around pretending to be the best thing since Regiced bread. Sorry.

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Anyway, we’ve decided it’s high time somebody called out these Legendaries for what they really are: scoundrels, fraudsters, and pretentious little posers. If you want to be respected as a Legendary Pokémon, you’ve got to earn it. Rayquaza eats meteorites so one of its organs can generate enough energy to automatically super-size it into a space dragon with swords for eyes. Some Legendaries sit in a tiny cloud and reckon that’s it, job done — the nerve.

Here are the ten worst Legendary Pokémon of all time, ranked from least awful to “how on Earth have you gone and conned the entire world?”