The 10 most exciting trailers and reveals from September 2021’s Nintendo Direct

Finally, Bayonetta makes a triumphant return.

Every time, without fail, Nintendo Directs exceeds fan expectations, and the September 2021 show was no different. Even if bits of today’s announcements accidentally leaked ahead of time.

Be it bizarre, wonderful surprises like Chocobo GP or crowd-pleasers like Bayonetta 3, there was a bit of something for everyone at this show. Though some of the biggest announcements, such as the last Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter and a highly-anticipated Animal Crossing: New Horizons update, are set for a larger reveal at a later date, Nintendo fans were well fed by Thursday’s 40 minute showcase.

Much like the recent PlayStation Showcase, FTW’s Mary Clarke and GLHF’s  Kyle Campbell came up with a list of all the cool trailers that premiered during this Nintendo Direct.