That awful Applebee’s song drowned out CBS’s halftime show and NFL fans weren’t happy


If there’s one thing in the world all sports fans can agree on, it’s that Walker Hayes’ song “Fancy Like” is an abomination.

The song became infamously hated last college football season after Applebee’s ran it into the ground with their much-maligned commercial which played… constantly. It occasionally rears its ugly head here and there, but for the most part, the world has been a better place since we’ve been subjected to that song far less.

All was well, until Sunday’s AFC Championship Game between the Cincinnati Bengals and Kansas City Chiefs. During halftime, Kansas City had Hayes performing “Fancy Like” as a special guest… right in the middle of CBS’s broadcasting panel analyzing the first half.

It’s clear someone messed up hard on the speaker placement, or the audio mixing, or just the timing of Hayes’ performance, but it ran right over CBS’s halftime show and made a complete mess of the audio for minutes.

It was one thing for the audio snafu to happen, which made listening to that segment of the broadcast absolutely miserable, but it’s another for the tune in question to be the objectively terrible “Fancy like Applebee’s” song.

NFL fans were less than pleased about the audio disaster that unfolded during halftime, but hey at least the jokes were funny!