Tennessee Titans’ Kenny Vaccaro voices opposition to proposed CBA

Titans safety Kenny Vaccaro is not a fan of the new CBA.

The proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement that has already been ratified by NFL owners is now in the hands of the players, with the deadline to vote on the new deal coming on March 12 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

One player who is a “no” vote on the new CBA is Tennessee Titans safety, Kenny Vaccaro, who took to Twitter to share his decision.

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Vaccaro also finds it laughable that there’s a notion players will vote “yes” on the new deal because it takes away suspensions for positive drug tests with marijuana and other substances of abuse.

Vaccaro also retweeted other players who voiced their opposition to the new CBA, such as the Los Angeles Rams’ Todd Gurley and Aaron Donald, the Houston Texans’ Kenny Stills and the Denver Broncos’ Chris Harris.

For the new CBA to pass it takes a simple majority of players to vote “yes.”

As Stills laid out in his video above, there is a belief that younger players and those with less lucrative contracts will be more inclined to vote “yes” out of fear for a work stoppage hitting their pocket hard.

And, of course, those players make up most of the players in the NFL, so there’s a realistic possibility that this CBA passes even though some of the biggest names in the league are strongly opposed to it.

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