WrestleMania 36: Watch Kevin Owens’ wild jump off the WrestleMania sign

This moment was crazy.

Kevin Owens delivered a WrestleMania moment fans won’t soon forget on Saturday night. Owens faced off against Seth Rollins in an empty arena, and won by disqualification after Rollins clocked him with the ring bell outside the ring. As Rollins was leaving, Owens called him back to the ring and challenged him to a No-DQ match. What followed was brutal.

Rollins immediately took control, blasting Owens with a steel chair multiple times, but Owens eventually laid out Rollins on the announce table with the ring bell. Owens then walked off the set – and began climbing the giant WrestleMania sign set up behind the announce area. He took a leap of faith off the sign and slammed through Rollins and the table, and later hit a stunner in the ring to score the victory. Fans and WWE stars watching at home were stunned.

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WrestleMania 36: Edge on why an empty arena could help his match with Randy Orton

Edge breaks down the silver lining of wrestling without an audience at WrestleMania 36.

Nine years ago, on April 11th, 2011, WWE superstar Edge stood in the center of the ring on Monday Night Raw and tearfully announced to a stunned crowd that his wrestling career was over. An MRI had revealed that Edge was suffering from cervical spinal stenosis in connection to a injury he suffered years prior, a condition that has ended the careers of several WWE stars, including Stone Cold Steve Austin. As the World Heavyweight Champion at the time, Edge was forced to relinquish his championship just 12 days after what appeared to be his final WrestleMania match.

Edge, whose real name is Adam Copeland, began a new career as an actor, and landed recurring roles in TV shows such as Haven and Vikings. A chance wipeout on a mountain bike, Edge told ESPN, eventually led to his comeback to the ring. After taking a hard fall and finding that his neck was unharmed, he began talking with doctors about a possible comeback to wrestling. In January, Edge delivered an unforgettable moment fans never thought possible, when he made a surprise entrance to the 2020 Royal Rumble – which set up a feud with old friend and rival Randy Orton.

This weekend at WrestleMania 36, Edge will wrestle in his first singles match since 2011 – a Last Man Standing bout against Orton.

With just a few days remaining until the most unique WrestleMania in history, Edge spoke with For The Win about his history with Randy Orton, and how he’s been dealing with our new global reality during the coronavirus crisis.

For the first time ever, WrestleMania will be held as a two-night event streaming Saturday, April 4 and Sunday, April 5 at 7:00 p.m. ET both nights on WWE Network and pay-per-view.

FTW: What was your first reaction to the news that WrestleMania 36 would be moved to the Performance Center?

Edge: I think we’re at a time where… everything’s so in flux and everything’s so strange right now. I guess if I’m looking at it purely from a performance aspect, you go ‘ahh.’ Because you love being able to be in front of an audience, feed of that, the adrenaline of that and all those things. Then I started looking at ‘OK, well this is where we are. This is normal for now. So what are the challenges here, and how can you adapt and still make a compelling story?’ I get off on the challenging aspect of it, and that’s how I started looking at it. So if I’m cutting a promo, well now I’m doing theater. I’m doing a monologue to a camera. And that was fun! That lets me explore my acting chops. So that’s how I tried to recalibrate my brain with it.

FTW: You moved into acting when you were forced to retire in 2011. Did that experience help you feel a bit more natural in what has been a very unnatural situation?

Edge: Without a doubt. It wasn’t until I came back, really the night after the Rumble, that’s when I felt the difference in all the reps I’ve done on sets over these last nine years. Because in that time I ended up filming 99 episodes of television, doing movies. You don’t fully grasp the comfort that that gives you until you bring it into a different arena to see how it plays out there. It really, really helped. Just more natural, more conversational. Less of that… yell-y wrestling promo thing.

… I think you can tell the people who have some acting chops and the ones who don’t. I’ve always, when asked advice on what to do, I tell anyone in the industry ‘go take acting lessons.’ Should be the first thing you do once you train.

FTW: Obviously a major part of wrestling is playing to the crowd and responding to the emotion of the audience. How do you expect the flow of your match with Randy to be different with no one in attendance?

Edge: You know, out of all the matches, I truly thing it affects us the least. I think the story that Randy and I have told is so personal and so – I’ve been using ‘grit’ throughout this whole thing – but gritty and dark and kind of twisted, that I almost feel that it doesn’t affect us. And may actually help us, strangely? Because a Last Man Standing match in a football stadium, you know, I would want to take the thing everywhere. But you have the possibility of losing your audience when you take it backstage, away from the audience, now they’ve got to look up at the screen. Now they’re craning their necks.

Now we have the full freedom, it’s a blank canvas. Now we can do anything. And really, what I want to do is to continue to tell this story between two guys who know each other so well, that have so much history. And a lot of what you’re seeing and hearing is true, and I think that’s why it’s connecting with people so much, at least in the feedback that I’ve gotten. Between the promos, between our work together, there’s a lot of reality there. We go way back, and a lot of the things we’ve talked about, they’ve happened. And I think when there’s that much kind of raw truth, that’s what you can really sink your teeth into. So I don’t think the lack of audience will hinder us as much as it will other matches.

FTW: Do you remember the first time you got in the ring with Randy Orton, and your impressions of him afterward?

Edge: The first time I met him, I still remember it, I really do. That meeting where Bob [Orton] introduced us, and I just remember thinking ‘hey, he’s taller than me.’ And thinking that he’s got all the tools by just looking at him. You know, he’s a good-looking guy, all of those things – but you don’t know what they bring to the table from an in-ring aspect. The first time I saw him work, I went ‘OK, he’s special.’ And then the first time that we ever actually wrestled against each other was for the Intercontinental title, and pretty much from the get-go, from the first time we locked up there was just something different between us. And it’s either there or it’s not. You can work to get there with someone, but with him and I that spark was immediate. And I’ve had it like that with maybe one other person.

FTW: Who is that one other person?

Edge: Well, it’s neck-and-neck with Taker and Kurt Angle. I’ve got to throw Jeff Hardy in there too.

FTW: Drew McIntyre has said be believes your match should be the main event on one of the nights of WrestleMania. Does that honor matter to you at all?

Edge: I mean, not really. It really doesn’t. My mindset is our match is going to be tough to follow. It really is, and that’s what my job is, is to make it tough to follow. So if you want to put it on in the middle, if you want to put it on in the beginning, good luck following it. If it’s on last, great, but that doesn’t change my mindset going into it. My mindset is to continue to tell this story, and for my first singles match back in nine years, I want to start this second chapter since coming back at the Royal Rumble, I want to keep that momentum going. I want to show people I’ve taken this craft to a different level than I did it before.

FTW: This is always the most hectic time of the year for WWE stars, and everyone on the roster is trying to look their absolute best for the biggest stage of the year. With all the restrictions and recommendations surrounding the coronavirus crisis, have you had to make any changes to your training routine?

Edge: For me, no, because I use a company called Nutrition Solutions that has continued and they have their protocols. I’ve still been continuing to get my meals – a matter of fact, the CEO of the company has been really hands-on with me to dial me in. I almost feel more prepared than I ever have for a match ever, even within all of this. This is the most strict that I’ve ever dieted…. When everything happened, it kind of cut our [training] plan in half of what we had planned. We were planning for six weeks out, well now we’ve got three. OK, so we adjust accordingly. I’ve kind of built a compound where we have a gym, I have my own gym and was just able to keep training and keep doing my thing.

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Watch: Roman Reigns hammers critics ripping him for missing WrestleMania 36

WWE Superstar Roman Reigns put the smackdown on his critics in explaining why he will miss WrestleMania 36.

Roman Reigns won’t be hitting anyone in WrestleMania 36 this weekend. The WWE Superstar made the wise choice to skip the event due to the coronavirus pandemic because his immune system could be compromised after two bouts with leukemia.

Reigns — real name Joe Anoai — came out swinging, though against the critics — “marks” — who looked to diminish his choice.

You already know whatā€™s going on. Itā€™s all over the news, the dirt sheets — whatever you want to call them — that I pulled out of WrestleMania. AndĀ itā€™s funny because, for years now, man — years —Ā people were like, ā€˜Don’t show up to WrestleMania, we don’t want you in it.ā€™ You know what I mean? Thereā€™s like a nice handful of dudes and haters that didnā€™t want me there, but the moment I make a choice for me and my family, Iā€™m a coward, Iā€™m a sissy, a lot of different things that I am now. But you donā€™t know the whole story. All you know is what you think. ā€˜Oh, well, his health and this and that.’ But you donā€™t know what else is going on in my life. You donā€™t know if I have newborns, you donā€™t know if I have family in my household — older family.Ā So, yeah, just like the old saying, man. Go and flip that cover open and read a few pages, get into a few chapters before you really start running your mouth.Ā And just take this time to better yourself, be present, and make the most out of this. Because if we canā€™t grow in a time like this, I donā€™t think we have a chance.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Reigns also apologized to the WWE Universe, or at least the fans it that appreciate the former Georgia Tech football star’s hard work and dedication.

For all my fans, Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t get to compete this year and put on a show and entertain, but sometimes things are more important and I had to make a choice for me and my family. But no matter what, you already know the deal, man. I showed up. I made the town, I made it to Orlando, and I had to make a decision for me. But it doesnā€™t take anything away from what Iā€™ve done and what Iā€™m going to do. I still love this game, I still love pro wrestling, sports entertainment. I love being in the ring, itā€™s a little weird being in the ring when nobodyā€™s watching, nobody in the arena. But man, Iā€™m ready to get back to work. And Iā€™m just taking these times, this little bit of time we have, to build up the outside and come as close as possible to perfecting the inside.

Photo by Mike Zarrilli/Getty Images

Reigns was scheduled to face WWE Universal champion in a match at Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium. The coronavirus pandemic has led to WrestleMania 36 taking place April 4 and 5, with the event taped.


Report: Roman Reigns pulls out of WrestleMania 36 over medical concerns

The latest chatter on Wrestlemania 36 in April.

WWE’s Roman Reigns will not partake in WrestleMania 36 amid medical concerns about the coronavirus, COVID-19, according to Pro Wrestling Sheet’s Ryan Satin. Reigns, whose real name is Joe Anoaā€™i, is a leukemia survivor and is immunocompromised, and thus, he wants to avoid the health risks associated with wrestling during the pandemic.

Reigns was slated to face Goldberg. It’s unclear how WWE will adjust this match — and the script as a whole — to accommodate Reign’s absence. There may be more wrestlers who intend to bow out, according to WrestlingInc.com.

The event was originally planned to take place at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, which could hold a crowd of 65,000. Instead, WWE has relocated the event to the companyā€™s Performance Center in Orlando, where no fans will attend. WWE chief brand officer Stephanie McMahon explained the company would take extra the safety measuresĀ in order to film the event.

ā€œWeā€™re taking every precaution we can. Itā€™s also why you donā€™t see talent or anyone else in the audience. We really are adhering to all the guidelines that we can to maintain the health and safety of our crew and our performers,ā€ she said.

Meanwhile, the country’s top sporting leagues have put their seasons and, to some degree, their offseasons on pause. WrestleMania is set to air April 4 and 5 on WWE Network and PPV.

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Report: Roman Reigns drops out of WrestleMania 36 card

Roman Reigns has dropped out of WrestleMania 36, citing concerns for his health according to a report.

WWE is saying WrestleMania 36 is too big for one night. The biggest show in pro wrestling will now have to on without one of its featured sports entertainers, according to a report.

Roman Reigns was scheduled to face Goldberg for the WWE Universal championship on one of the two nights. However, the battle between the former Georgia Tech and University of Georgia football players will not take place, per Ryan Satin of Pro Wrestling Sheet.

WWE has been doing its shows at its Performance Center in Florida due to the coronavirus pandemic. Reigns came back after missing a long spell due to a second bout with leukemia.

The WrestleMania shows are scheduled to be taped and then broadcast on April 4 and 5 after the event was moved from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fl, due to the ongoing pandemic. The host for the WrestleMania extravaganzas is another gridder, former New England Patriot, Rob Gronkowski.

According to the report, Reigns is not comfortable with the risks continued performances at the Performance Center could do to his immune system, which was compromised by his battle with the disease.

Sources with knowledge of the situation tell us Reigns expressed to WWE that he didnā€™t feel comfortable doing anymore of the Performance Center shows during the coronavirus pandemic because heā€™s immunocompromised from his battle with leukemia and didnā€™t want to risk his health.

Weā€™re told WWE honored his request and he will now be replaced by someone else in the match against Goldberg, though itā€™s unclear who at this time.

The report can be taken seriously as Satin is a contributor to the weekly “WWE Backstage” show on FS1.

So, for the time being it appears as if Reigns is out of WrestleMania 36. In the world of “works” — fake storylines — and shoots — reality — who knows how this will turn outĀ  in the long run …


WrestleMania host Rob Gronkowski made a hilarious entrance on SmackDown

Gronk showed off his dance moves on the entrance ramp.

NFL legend Rob Gronkowski made an appearance on WWE SmackDown on Friday ahead of his gig as host of WrestleMania 36, and his entrance was as high-energy as you’d expect from the one of the world’s leading party animals.

Gronkowski was introduced by former Packers defensive lineman Mojo Rawley, who is a close friend. Gronk made a surprise appearance at WrestleMania 33 to help Rawley win the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal over Jinder Mahal. Gronk took to the ring and showed off some impressive mic skills, but was eventually interrupted by King Corbin – who may be Gronk’s first rival.

After being roasted by Elias, Corbin confronted Gronkowski, and warned the former Patriot that he’s going to end up getting hurt in the ring. Gronk signaled Rawley to get into position with his eyes – a pro move! – and then tabletopped Corbin to the mat.

Gronk got back on the mic and suggested that Elias should face Corbin at WrestleMania. Assuming that match happens, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Gronkowski get involved at some point, but it has not yet been indicated that Gronkowski will serve as anything other than a ceremonial host.

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Watch: Rob Gronkowski makes dazzling SmackDown debut, cuts promo

Former New England Patriot Rob Gronkowski made a spectacular entrance to WWE SmackDown.

Rob Gronkowski knows how to make an entrance. And he cuts a pretty fair promo, too.

The former New England Patriots great appeared on SmackDown Friday as only he could. To borrow from Ric Flair, Gronk styled and profiled as he made his way to the ring before a crowd of none.

Once in the ring with friend Mojo Rawley and play-by-play standout Michael Cole, Gronk cut a promo, as they say in the wrestling business.

Could Rawley, who benefited from Gronk’s interference at WrestleMania 33 to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale, be setting his friend up by claiming he will watch his back? Nothing would be out of the question in the surreal world of sports entertainment.


WrestleMania 36 is being split into a two day show hosted by Rob Gronkowski

Making WrestleMania a two-night show is a smart move by WWE.

WrestleMania is the biggest event on the wrestling calendar, and WWE typically packs football stadiums with more than 70,000 people to watch an epic 7-hour pay-per-view featuring nearly every star on the roster. The coronavirus outbreak has forced WWE to drastically alter its plans and move WrestleMania 36 out of Raymond James Stadium in Tampa and into its Performance Center in Orlando, where the show will proceed with zero fans in attendance.

On Wednesday, WWE made a few more major announcements. For the first time ever, WrestleMania will be split into a two-day event, with matches being held on both Saturday, April 4th, and Sunday, April 5th. The event will be hosted by former Patriots star Rob Gronkowski, who was reportedly close to finalizing a deal with WWE earlier this month. Gronkowski will make his first appearance since his cameo at WrestleMania 33 on Friday night’s episode of SmackDown, which is also being held at the Performance Center.

The move to a two-night WrestleMania makes sense for multiple reasons. One of the biggest criticisms of WWE’s signature event is that it’s simply too long. WrestleMania kickoff shows typically start in the afternoon, and it’s not uncommon for the entire show to take well over six hours. That’s a lot of time to ask even a hardcore fan to sit through uninterrupted – but even with the extended run time, some matches still manage to feel rushed.

By splitting WrestleMania into what will likely be a pair of 3+ hour shows, WWE makes the event a bit more approachable, and should, in theory, be able to allow for each matchup on the card to run for as long as it truly needs.Ā With no other sports going on for the next few weeks, WWE is also able to own an entire weekend by moving half of WrestleMania to Saturday.

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Rob Gronkowski to play host to two-night WrestleMania 36

Rob Gronkowski is going to add host of WrestleMania 36 to his resume.

The show must go on in WWE and WrestleMania 36 will be unlike any other. The sports-entertainment juggernaut headed by Vince McMahon may have had to audible from having it at Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium but that only got the extremely creative minds in Stamford, Ct, thinking.

WrestleMania 36 will now be a two-night extravaganza and the host will be none other than three-time Super Bowl champion, former New England Patriots star tight end Rob Gronkowski, who promised more details when he appears on SmackDown Friday on FOX.

It was thought the show would take place at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Fl, without an audience. Not happening that way. The event will take place from multiple sites, per Dave Meltzer.

WWE released a statement Wednesday regarding its plans:

WrestleMania 36 is now set for a historic two-night presentation on WWE Network with former New England Patriot Rob Gronkowski hosting The Show of Shows at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on Saturday, April 4, and Sunday, April 5.

The 2020 edition of The Showcase of the Immortals will make history as the first to span across multiple days.

Earlier this week, it was announcedĀ WrestleMania 36 would emanate from the WWE Performance CenterĀ in Orlando and only essential personnel will be on the closed set during production.

Titles and legacies are on the line as WrestleMania 36 features a loaded slate of matches. Royal Rumble Match winnerĀ Drew McIntyreĀ challenges WWE ChampionĀ Brock Lesnar, Universal ChampionĀ GoldbergĀ defends his title againstĀ Roman Reigns,Ā and Raw Womenā€™s ChampionĀ Becky LynchĀ looks to fight off the rise ofĀ Shayna Baszler. Also, 16-time World ChampionĀ John CenaĀ returns to battleĀ ā€œThe Fiendā€ Bray Wyatt,Ā AJ StylesĀ hopes to put the ā€œfinal nail in the coffinā€ ofĀ The Undertakerā€™s career and much more.


Stone Cold Steve Austin hits stunners, chugs beers with Becky Lynch on 3/16 day

Stone Cold Steve Austin returned to WWE on Monday for a beer bash in an empty arena.

WWE legend Stone Cold Steve Austin made a highly anticipated return to the ring on Monday Night Raw, but for the first time ever, there wasn’t a massive pop from the audience when Austin’s music hit.

Due to the coronavirus, all WWE weekly shows have been taken off the road and moved to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, where they are being staged in a mock arena with no crowd. On Monday, WWE announced that the biggest wrestling event of the year, WrestleMania 36, will be moved from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa to the Performance Center, but will still occur as scheduled on April 5th.

Austin was back to celebrate 3/16 Day on March 16th, and declared that it should be recognized as a new national holiday. Austin even played to the non-existent crowd, asking the empty seats to give him a “hell yeah,” and was eventually joined in the ring by commentator Byron Saxton. Austin offered Saxton his own Broken Skull IPAs – and then delivered a stunner as Saxton was drinking.

Austin was then joined by Becky Lynch, who closed the show by pounding a few beers with the WWE legend. After Raw ended, the Street Profits joined Lynch and Austin in the ring – and were quickly stunned.

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