Who are the best candidates to replace Anthony Lynn?

Anthony Lynn is out as the head coach of the Los Angeles Chargers. Who are the best candidates to step into that role for 2021?

Many things went right for the Los Angeles Chargers in 2020, but not enough for Anthony Lynn to keep his job.

In 2018 the Chargers were perhaps the darlings of the football world. The Chargers stormed to a 12-4 record and only the presence of the Kansas City Chiefs prevented them from winning the AFC West. But since then the Chargers limped to back-to-back losing seasons, and their record this season in one-score games likely contributed to the organization’s decision to part ways with Lynn:

Filling the Chargers’ head coaching vacancy is one of the more interesting puzzles to put together. The play of rookie quarterback Justin Herbert this season has been a revelation, and that might mean that a member of the offensive staff would be in line to get the job. But there are two options, and what could one man’s promotion mean for the other? Or would the Chargers go outside the organization to hire someone else and hope that they can retain one of their offensive staff members to keep some continuity around Herbert? Consistency is key for the development of a young QB, and it is hard to see the organization tipping that apple cart.

Here are the best candidates to replace Lynn.