Wizards players concerned about team offense

The Athletic has learned a central issue is that at least several players have concerns about the direction and structure of the team’s offense, particularly whether they as individuals, and by extension the team as a whole, are being put in the best positions to succeed. As confidence in the offense has diminished, players have exerted less effort and exercised less attention to detail on the defensive end, the area the coaching staff has emphasized since the start of training camp.

“At the end of the day, it’s like the …

“At the end of the day, it’s like the old saying, ‘You’ve got to throw a squirrel a nut,’” center Montrezl Harrell said. “We’re not saying throw it to us and let us clear out and iso and go and do our thing. No. But at the same time, let us feel it, not just off rebounding and then giving it to a guard. No, let us get a touch early to get a shot. Let’s give us something to let us feel like we’re involved in the game as well.”

Like Harrell, point guard Spencer …