Panthers rookie destroys anti-mask argument with one tweet

One way we can all help is to wear a mask in public.

The NFL is determined to start the 2020 season on time, with the Texans and Chiefs slated to kick things off Thursday, Sept. 10. Whether or not the league is able to finish it depends a great deal on the rest of the country getting the coronavirus pandemic under control.

At the moment, the virus is rampaging through the south and the southwest regions. Florida, Texas and Arizona are the hardest-hit states, with hospitals being pushed to the brink by a surge in cases.

One way we can all help is to wear a mask in public. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem determined not to. There are a lot of stupid reasons being offered as to why. The laziest of which is the “I can’t breathe in a mask” argument.

Observe Panthers rookie offensive tackle Branden Bowen demolishing that argument with this tweet from Sunday night, showing some of his former teammates at Ohio State working out in masks.


Bowen is one of four undrafted offensive linemen currently on the roster. The team doesn’t have much depth at tackle, but a lack of preseason games won’t help his chances of making the cut.

Then again, the rules might be different this year. There’s been speculation about rosters being expanded to accomodate players needing to be put on IR due to quarantine measures.

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Gus Malzahn, SEC coaches appear in video asking people to wear masks

Gus Malzahn and the 13 other SEC head football coaches appeared in this video.

The 2020 college football season is extremely close to not taking place at all as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the nation.

On Monday, Gus Malzahn and the 13 other SEC head football coaches appeared in a video asking people everywhere to start wearing masks.

Panthers S Tre Boston implores people: ‘Just wear the damn mask’

Boston called out the stupidity and implored people to just wear the damn mask.

Last week, Carolina Panthers safety Tre Boston expressed concern about the 2020 season happening after taking part in a two-hour call with the NFLPA, saying “it’s not looking good.” The NFL already faced enormous challenges regarding how to start up even before COVID-19 case numbers started exploding in dozens of states.

Yesterday, Boston shared an emotional follow-up to a tweet by North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, which had a large number of ignorant, selfish replies in the comments. Boston called out the stupidity and implored people to just wear the damn mask.

Here’s the thing. Wearing a mask is not an affront to your personal freedoms or your body’s ability to take in oxygen. Doctors and nurses have been wearing them all day at work for decades and can breathe perfectly fine. Also, countries that have embraced wearing masks have had far better results than the United States and some of them are already back to normal.

If you cannot be bothered to care about your fellow human beings, at least do it for the sports.

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Tre Boston concerned about 2020 NFL season: ‘It’s not looking good’

Panthers safety Tre Boston concerned about 2020 season: ‘This is not looking good.’

Everyone wants to see football return this fall like normal. The fact is we are living in an unprecedented situation due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s threatening business as usual for every part of our way of life, including the NFL season.

Tre Boston sounds concerned that it might not happen. After getting off a call with the NFLPA, he tweeted that this is not looking good and encouraged people to wear their masks.

Right now, the biggest hurdle seems to be what to do about the preseason. It was reported a few days ago that the league wants to cancel half of the games, but as of yet the players union has not agreed. In fact, they are pushing for no preseason games at all.

According to Tom Pelissero at NFL Network, here’s one scenario being floated that would preclude the preseason altogether.

Interesting times.

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