New Jack Nicklaus golf course in Buffalo to commission Valentino Dixon drawings

A new Jack Nicklaus golf course in Buffalo has commissioned Valentino Dixon for before and after drawings of the course.

The City of Buffalo is buzzing this week as the beloved Bills prepare to host the Indianapolis Colts in the wild card round of the NFL playoffs.

For Queen City football fans who also enjoy golf, here’s some more news to get excited about: a new Jack Nicklaus Signature Design golf course is coming to town. According to a report on the website for Buffalo’s NBC affiliate,, course designers are studying the land to plan the next steps, with construction scheduled to begin in May.

But the story gets better. Buffalo-based artist Valentino Dixon, who was exonerated after 27 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, has been commissioned for before and after drawings of the course.

“What I would like to say is that this brings hope, especially to somebody like me that’s in the City of Buffalo, you know,” Dixon said. “I come from a place of economic abandonment and hopelessness. And this right here is something that we really need. And I dreamed about this when I was in a prison cell. And now when you reached out and said I was going to be a part of this, it’s like… it’s unbelievable.”

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Michelle Obama gifted Barack Obama a Valentino Dixon original for Christmas

A golf-themed painting given to Barack Obama this Christmas carries with it one of golf’s most unique stories from the past few years.

A golf-themed painting given to Barack Obama from his wife Michelle this Christmas carries with it one of golf’s most unique stories from the past few years. According to a report by Golf Digest, No. 44 received a hand-drawn rendering of the 12th hole at Augusta National created by Valentino Dixon.

Dixon spent 27 years of a life sentence in prison for a murder he didn’t commit but was exonerated in 2018. Golf Digest reporting played a major role in Dixon’s release.

Dixon’s story was recently featured on HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, which is celebrating its 25th season. Michelle Obama reportedly saw the segment and was so moved she purchased a Dixon original of the iconic hole.

After his 2018 release, Dixon credited the numerous golf paintings he created during his incarceration for keeping him going. Interestingly, the painting that will now reside with the Obamas was Dixon’s first work completed as a free man. Golf Digest reports it’s a 20-inch-by-30-inch colored-pencil on matte-board entitled “Augusta The Beautiful.”