2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2 features a record purse. Here’s the breakdown

It pays to be the national champion, and the USGA announced just how much on Saturday.

PINEHURST, N.C. — It pays to be the national champion, and the USGA announced just how much on Saturday.

Earlier this week, Mike Whan, the CEO of the United States Golf Association, announced that the purse for the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2 was going up to $21.5 million, a $1.5 million increase from last year. In addition, the winner will take home $4.3 million, up from $4 million in 2023.

Three amateurs — Luke Clanton, Neal Shipley and Gunnar Broin — made the weekend, but amateurs aren’t allowed to receive prize money. The 69 professionals who didn’t make the cut receive $10,000.

To put this in perspective, the winner of the first U.S. Open in 1895 took home $150.

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Here’s a look at the complete breakdown.

2024 U.S. Open purse breakdown

Position Earnings
1 $4,300,000
2 $2,322,000
3 $1,445,062
4 $1,013,040
5 $843,765
6 $748,154
7 $674,491
8 $604,086
9 $546,720
10 $502,174
11 $458,280
12 $423,729
13 $394,829
14 $364,407
15 $338,332
16 $316,602
17 $299,218
18 $281,834
19 $264,450
20 $247,067
21 $232,073
22 $217,080
23 $202,521
24 $189,048
25 $177,314
26 $167,319
27 $159,713
28 $152,977
29 $146,458
30 $139,939
31 $133,420
32 $126,901
33 $120,382
34 $114,515
35 $109,735
36 $104,954
37 $100,391
38 $96,045
39 $91,699
40 $87,353
41 $83,007
42 $78,661
43 $74,315
44 $69,969
45 $65,623
46 $61,712
47 $57,801
48 $54,107
49 $51,934
50 $49,761
51 $48,457
52 $47,370
53 $46,501
54 $46,067
55 $45,632
56 $45,197
57 $44,763
58 $44,328
59 $43,894
60 $43,459
61 $43,024
62 $42,590
63 $42,155
64 $41,721
65 $41,286
66 $40,851
67 $40,417
68 $39,982
69 $39,548
70 $39,113
71 $38,678


2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2 to feature record purse, first-place prize money

The winner of the first U.S. Open in 1895 took home $150.

The U.S. Open had the largest purse of the four men’s major championships in 2023, and that amount is going up in 2024.

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Mike Whan, the CEO of the United States Golf Association, announced Wednesday the purse for the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2 was going up to $21.5 million, a $1.5 million increase from last year. In addition, the winner will take home $4.3 million, up from $4 million in 2023.

The winner of the first U.S. Open in 1895 took home $150.

In addition, every player will make at least $10,000, as players who miss the cut will pocket that amount.

At the Masters, the purse was $20 million with $3.6 going to the winner, Scottie Scheffler. The PGA Championship had a record purse of $18.5 million, with Xander Schauffele taking home $3.33 million.

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The purse for the 2023 Open Championship was $16.5 million, and the 2024 purse has yet to be announced.

Only the Players Championship has a bigger purse on the PGA Tour.