Titleist GT2, GT3 fairway woods

The Titleist GT2 fairway woods are for golfers who want more distance and a high level of stability and forgiveness. The GT3 fairway woods are for players who want left-right adjustability, lower spin rates and a lower ball flight.

Fairway woods are among the most challenging clubs to make because they need to be versatile, easy to hit and send the ball the same distance whether a player is hitting off a tee or from the turf. For that reason, when players find a fairway wood they like, they tend to stick with it.

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However, by applying the critical new feature it developed for the new GT drivers to the GT fairway woods, Titleist feels it has unlocked new levels of overall performance, blending more distance with an improved ball flight and more consistency.

Who are the Titleist GT fairway woods for?

The Titleist GT2 fairway woods are for golfers who want more distance and a high level of stability and forgiveness. The GT3 fairway woods are for players who want left-right adjustability, lower spin rates and a lower ball flight.

What should you know about the Titleist GT fairway woods?

While several other manufacturers have released fairway woods that have carbon fiber crowns, Titleist has struck with stainless steel and worked to make it thinner and stronger. Now, however, with the GT fairway woods, Titleist is adding a seamless thermoform crown piece to both the GT2 and the GT3, made using the company’s proprietary matrix polymer.

Titleist GT fairway woods
The top of the GT2 is designed with a seamless thermoform matric polymer crown piece to reduce weight. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The polymer weighs significantly less than the stainless steel it replaces on the top of both clubs, lowering the center of gravity (CG) location and creating discretionary weight that designers could reposition to other areas.

There is no visible seam, and in the address position, the GT2 and GT3 feature a glossy black top that looks like many previously released Titleist fairway woods.

To improve performance on low-struck shots, both Titleist GT fairway woods have a forged 465 stainless steel face in an L shape, which wraps under the leading edge and into the sole. On thin shots, this allows the hitting area to flex more efficiently.

Both the GT2 and the GT3 come with Titleist’s 16-position SureFit hosel mechanism. The two cogs in the system move independently, so players and fitters can adjust the lie angle, the loft or both to ensure a good fit and distance gapping.

Titleist GT3 fairway woods
The lower portion of the hitting area in the GT3 has been a redesigned to create a deeper, squared-off look. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Titleist has also redesigned the lower portion of the hitting area, flattening it to create a more confidence-inspiring look. At the same time, the GT2 has a lower profile than the GT3, which has a taller, deeper face that lower-handicap players often prefer.

Titleist designers aspired to make the GT2 launch higher but spin less than the TSR2 fairway woods because that should equate to more carry distance. So, using some of the weight saved by going with the polymer crown, designers repositioned more weight forward in the head, which shifted the CG more forward, resulting in higher ball speeds and lower spin rates. The sole weight behind the leading edge comes standard at 9 grams, but other weights are available to custom fitters so they can fine-tune the spin rate and launch angle for players.

Titleist GT3 fairway woods
The GT3 has a five-position moveable weight in the front of the sole. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

While the GT2 is the larger of the two fairway woods and matches the GT2 driver in being a high-stability, high-forgiveness offering, the GT has a five-position adjustable weight track in the sole that allows players and fitters to give the club a draw or fade bias. The GT3 comes standard with a 12-gram weight in the track, but other weights are available to fitters.

What lofts are available in the Titleist GT fairway woods?

The Titlist GT2 fairway woods are available in 13.5, 15, 16.5, 18 and 21-degree versions, and the GT3 fairway woods are available in 15, 16.5 and 18-degree versions.

How much do the Titleist GT fairway woods cost?

The Titleist GT2 and GT3 fairway woods are $399 each with Project X Denali Red, Project X HZRDUS Black 5th Gen or Mitsubishi Tensei 1K Blue graphite shaft and Titleist Universal 360 grip.

When will the Titleist GT fairway woods be in stores?

Titleist GT2 and GT3 fairway woods are available for fitting and pre-sale now and will be in stores starting August 23.

Here are several close-up images of the new Titleist GT fairway woods:

Titleist GT2, GT3 and GT4 woods debut at 2024 Memorial Tournament

Titleist brings the GT drivers and fairway woods to the PGA Tour for the first time.

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MUIRFIELD VILLAGE, Ohio – Titleist brought its newest drivers and fairway woods – the yet-to-be-released GT2, GT3 and GT4 – to the 2024 Memorial Tournament and made them available for staff players such as Justin Thomas, Jordan Spieth, Will Zalatoris and Cameron Young. Their use this week will be their first in a PGA Tour event.

In addition to the GT drivers, Titleist is also debuting the matching GT fairway woods at Jack Nicklaus’ event.

It has been nearly two years since Titleist released the TSR family of drivers, fairway woods and hybrids, and with the brand typically dropping clubs and balls on two-year product cycles, it was not surprising the GT woods were added to the USGA’s Conforming Driver Head list Monday.

Titleist did not release official information or comment about the GT drivers or fairway woods, but the company did note in a press release the clubs were developed with the help of feedback from staff players.

If history can be used as a guide, there are a few things the USGA’s notes and in-hand photos obtained by Golfweek on Monday at Muirfield Village can teach golfers:

  • GT2: The Point and Shoot driver. Titleist drivers given a “2” designation in the past have offered a high moment of inertia with centers of gravity farther back in the head to boost stability. With the GT2, we once again see a club that is larger from front to back than the other drivers in the family, along with a single weight located on the seam that joins the back of the crown with the sole. Extra mass there would pull the center of gravity down and back.
  • GT3: Draw-Fade adjustability. The TSR3 driver, as with the TSi3 driver it replaced, has been extremely popular among Titleist players because it has a five-setting adjustable weight that allows players and fitters to shift the center of gravity to create a draw or fade bias. We can clearly see that weight in the sole of the GT3. With the location of the adjustable weight more forward in the sole, it should help reduce spin and create a lower ball flight. The GT3 also has a classic pear shape and a more compact look than the GT2
  • GT4: Spin and launch adjustability. The GT4 would logically seem to take the place of the prior-generation TSR4, which Titleist offered as a club for fast-swinging golfers who want to fine-tune spin rates to achieve ideal launch conditions. As with the TSR4, the GT4 has two adjustable weights, with one in the front and one in the back to go along with a compact head design. A heavier weight in the front with a light weight in the back would reduce spin and help the GT4 produce a more-piercing launch, while putting a heavier weight in the back and a light weight in the front would increase the spin rate and launch height. While the GT3 may give golfers left-and-right adjustability, it appears the GT4 is designed to create up-and-down adjustability.

All three GT drivers appear to have been designed with Titleist’s 16-setting SureFit hosel system, which allows golfers to independently change the loft and lie angle.

The GT fairway woods appear to follow the same design philosophy as their corresponding drivers, with the GT2 appearing to be the largest in size and the GT3 having a moveable weight that can create a draw or fade bias.

Titleist has not provided information about when the GT2, GT3 and GT4 drivers and fairway woods might be made available to consumers, but historically the brand has released new clubs two to three months after starting the seeding process on the PGA  Tour. If that’s the case, we could see the GT family in pro shops and golf specialty stores by late summer.

Below are several in-hand photos of the new GT2, GT3 and GT4 drivers.