Alabama could see one of their stars return in Rose Bowl against Notre Dame

The Crimson Tide could see the return of one of their star players against Notre Dame in the Rose Bowl.

The already imposing Alabama offense could be getting back one of their stars when they face Notre Dame on Friday in the Rose Bowl. Wide receiver Jaylen Waddle, who injured his ankle against Tennessee has been progressing in his rehab and could face the Irish secondary later this week.

Crimson Tide head coach Nick Saban gave everyone an update on, saying that “Jaylen’s rehab is coming along. He’s doing dry-land running, still working to try to get back. But he is making progress. We’re happy to see him be able to at least go out there and do some running and do some things, but he’s not back in practice yet.”

Saban obviously didn’t rule out Waddle playing, but the projected first-round pick not having practiced yet should be seen as a good sign for Notre Dame. Regardless, it seems like Brian Kelly has been preparing for a potential return, as he said “it would make it difficult, even more difficult of an offense to slow down.” In just four games this year, Waddle had over 100-yards in each of them and scored 4 total touchdowns.

That’s exactly what all of us were thinking as well. The Tide offense doesn’t need anymore weapons than they already have, they averaged almost 50 points per game this season.

Does Notre Dame have anything to prove in College Football Playoffs? Brian Kelly answers

Do the Irish have anything more to prove with being in the College Football Playoffs? Brian Kelly answers that question.

With the Irish making their second appearance in the College Football Playoffs in the last three years, Brian Kelly was asked if his team still had anything to prove as a program.

His answer was very telling: “No. We’re knocking at the door every year. Not sure why this narrative pops up. No, we haven’t won a national championship, but we are there every year and grinding it out every year. Only one team gets to celebrate each year. We’ll continue to try and compete for a title and win one.”

It tough to disagree with Kelly, but obviously winning a championship is the goal. It is nice being invited to the party, the CFP, leaving with the gold trophy is what the Irish want. We all know it’s difficult to break into the group that wins title, in the last 10 years only 5 different teams have been crowned champs, Alabama leading the way with 4 titles.

This year has been tough on everyone, and it’s going to be another difficult task in taking on Alabama in The Rose Bowl Game held in Dallas, Texas this Friday afternoon.