Interview with USC alumnus Steven Aripez, director of ‘The Director’s Cut’

Trojans Wire asked USC alum Steven Aripez about his favorite Southern California football players.

Steven Aripez, a USC alumnus, began his professional life as a writer but eventually discovered he had an instinct and a knack for directing. Over the years, he has learned that one of the best ways to grow as a filmmaker is to study film from various vantage points and perspectives, learning from both the outstanding films everyone celebrates and the more obscure films which don’t connect with a wider audience. Besides exploring films for the simple benefit of added knowledge, the best film education Aripez has had is making films directly and immersing himself in that daunting and involving experience. After creating multiple short films and evolving as a filmmaker with each one, he knew he was ready to tackle a feature. In the summer of 2021, he directed his first feature film titled “The Director’s Cut.” Shot on a budget of $12,000, the eight-day shoot was quite an adventure. “The Director’s Cut” is now available on streaming services such as Tubi and others.

Trojans Wire: How did you get your start in the film industry?

Steven Aripez: Technically I’m still trying to break through. But I’ve gotten this far by self-teaching, studying the greats, and finding my team of filmmakers. It’s a grind and breaking in is very tough. The only way to break in is by practicing, studying the craft, making films, and never quitting. It’s gotta be your plan A through Z.

Trojans Wire: How did you develop the storyline for “The Director’s Cut”?

Steven Aripez: The South Korean film “Memories of Murder” sparked the idea, specifically the ending of that film. It’s a serial killer procedural film. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it. It’s a masterpiece. Also, I really wanted to do a film that mostly took place in one location and over the course of a day. I’m a big fan of the films “Clerks” and “Friday.” I wanted to do a mix of those films with a serial killer twist to it.

Trojans Wire: You’re a Southern California native from Murrieta (California), so do you have any favorite USC Trojans or UCLA Bruins football players?

Steven Aripez: Maurice Jones-Drew, Mike Williams, Reggie Bush, Mark Sanchez, and LenDale White are my favorites.

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