Chiefs can reopen team facility today

Find all of the important details about how the Kansas City Chiefs can reopen their team facility.

Facilities for all 32 NFL teams have been shut down since March due to the coronavirus pandemic, but that’s set to change today.

In a memo issued to NFL teams, league Commissioner Roger Goodell has permitted NFL teams to begin phase one of reopening on Tuesday, May 19 in accordance with state and local guidelines. The Kansas City Chiefs are among the teams that should be able to reopen due to an easing of restrictions in the state of Missouri. But whether they will reopen their facility remains to be seen.

There are significant safeguards and restrictions the NFL has implemented in phase one of the reopening. Here’s a summary of those restrictions outlined in the memo:

  • No more than 50% of team staff is allowed to return to facilities. That number must not exceed 75 people combined.
  • No coaching staff is allowed to return to the facility until all 32 teams can return. Personnel staff, football ops and administration staff, equipment staff, medical staff and nutritionists are permitted to return. Strength and conditioning coaches can return if they’re part of an injured player’s rehab process.
  • No players are allowed in the team facility unless they’re undergoing treatment or rehabilitation for an injury.
  • Consumer-related departments are not permitted to reopen.
  • Any instance of COVID-19 in a facility must be reported to NFL Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sills.
  • Teams must remain in constant communication with the league in regards to changes to local and state regulations.

This is just the first step in the process, and despite the lack of players and coaching staff, it’s an important step in the right direction. It’ll help demonstrate the league’s ability to keep its employees safe and effective while accommodating social distancing guidelines.

The Chiefs have quite a few injured players who could ultimately end up in the team facility for rehab. Juan Thornhill, Martinas Rankin, Alex Okafor and Breeland Speaks could be among the players called into the team facility.

If all goes well for the NFL during this first phase, we could see these restrictions loosen with coaches and players allowed back in the facility shortly.

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Report: Texans planning to hire facility hygiene coordinator

The Houston Texans are taking steps to have a more sterile facility after COVID-19, and plan to hire a facility hygiene coordinator.

The Houston Texans are taking steps to be ready for the “new normal” when everyday life resumes following the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to Aaron Wilson of the Houston Chronicle, the Texans are planning to hire a “facility hygiene coordinator.” Just as the Texans are one of the few teams in the NFL to have a coach and general manager in the same person in Bill O’Brien, so too would the Texans be one of the few, if not the first, team to make such a hire.

The job would be an external hire, according to Wilson, and a job posting would follow soon.

It is the best step the organization can take from a preventative measure until a vaccine for COVID-19 is developed and testing is rapid and available, which is what coach and general manager Bill O’Brien would like to see.

“In my opinion, just my opinion, before we let people back into stadium and things like that, we better have the testing down, we better be on our way to a vaccine,” O’Brien told reporters on April 16. “I don’t think you’re going to be able to move forward until we have a better grasp of the whole thing.”

The hire of a facility hygiene coordinator would be another part of the process of getting “back to football.”

Said O’Brien: “We’ll play football at some point. We will definitely play football. When that is, who knows, but we’ll just keep doing what we have to do to stay up with the competition and when they tell us to get ready to play, we’ll try to get ready to play.”

The NFL releases their schedule on May 7 at 7:00 p.m. on NFL Network. The league seems to believe pro football will at least return in the fall. When it does, it will be a much cleaner game than before.

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