Ranking the best Super Mario games from worst to incredible

No Mario game is bad, but the best Super Mario games are the ones where Nintendo’s creativity and genius for level design are on display

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The caveat when talking about the best Super Mario games is that there really is no bad Super Mario game. Over the course of three decades and more, Nintendo’s flagship series has seen its ups and downs, but even the blandest, most uninspired of the New Super Mario games still has the power to delight and excite. When the series is at its best, however, is when Nintendo’s knack for clever stage design and creative worlds shines through.

Our list of the best Super Mario games focuses on the series’ mainline entries, so there’s no Mario Maker or Super Mario RPG here.

The 10 greatest video game launch titles of all time

Every games console has to start somewhere — but some have more talent for killer day-one games than others.

Imagine being in charge of launching a new game console. Once the really hard work is done — thinking of a cool name, capitalizing a letter somewhere in the middle, drawing endless controllers, and disseminating them to game’s sites — you’ve actually got to convince studios to make games for it. At a time when the user base is zero. 

Sometimes you get a Battle Arena Toshinden, and sometimes you get one of these Hall of Famers, who can take at least partial credit for their entire platform’s commercial success. In fact, they’re still worth playing now, even though their associated hardware may be out of production, and found only in attics and pawnshop windows. Not bad for a shot in the dark on launch day.

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