Can you spot the Yellowstone critter spying the coyote?

While stuck in a bear jam last May in Yellowstone National Park, I spotted a coyote that was being closely watched by a potential prey. Can you spot the smaller critter?

Last May in Yellowstone National Park I observed more bears in three days (14) than I observed during all prior trips later in the season.

I spent hours in “bear jams,” standing outside my vehicle while trying to spot and photograph bruins at various safe distances.

During one sighting, involving a cinnamon-colored black bear and two cubs, I looked back across the highway and spotted a coyote trotting behind the mass of cars and people.

Coyote bypassing a Yellowstone bear jam, closely watched. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

I snapped a photo before turning back to face the bears. It wasn’t until hours later, while checking my images, that I noticed another critter closely watching the coyote.

The image is posted above and a question for readers: How quickly can you spot the critter? (Answer below.)

Most photographers expressed only a passing interest in the coyote; they were laser-focused on the bears.

Cinnamon-colored black bear. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

Momma bear was large and her coat lustrous. She napped briefly while her cubs scampered up a tree and hid in the branches.

Some argued that she was a grizzly because she was not black like most black bears. Others noted that she had the face and pointed ears of a black bear, and lacked the telltale grizzly bear shoulder hump.

Almost all spectators were outside their vehicles and some were in violation of the park’s 100-yard distance rule.

Momma black bear with cubs. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

As more people crept closer for better photo opportunities, the bear management team shut down the viewing session and ordered everyone to leave.

The tourists complied. But as often happens in Yellowstone, many returned within minutes after the bear management team had departed. I saw the new jam forming after turning around and driving past the sighting area, then continued east toward Tower-Roosevelt.

My good fortune continued when another momma black bear (with black fur) and two cubs emerged along the side of the road, where they foraged on grass.

Likely ground squirrel watching the coyote. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

I photographed them for several minutes before a crowd began to gather, then I continued east into Lamar Valley.

The coyote remained an afterthought until I was back in my hotel room in Gardiner. I almost disregarded the image but noticed the ground squirrel at the top of the frame,  intently watching the squirrel-eating coyote.

The squirrel is circled in red in the image posted above.

The Yankees fans terrified by a squirrel have inevitably turned into a meme

The OMG SQUIRREL memes are everywhere.

You knew this was going to happen as soon as the viral clip hit Twitter: A slow-motion video of a squirrel running in front of a bunch of surprised New York Yankees fans has become meme.

The specifics here: People are taking the audio and switching it up to some funny stuff, from new music to the (fake) sounds of the reactions from the fans who were completely shocked as the little guy scampered across the wall in front of them.

And there are also your typical memes with the fan reactions.

It’s really too funny and a reminder that squirrels at sporting events always make for good content.

Check out the original and the memes below:


These Yankees fans were comically stunned to see a squirrel run past them

These Yankees fans looked like they’d never seen a squirrel before.

During the New York Yankees’ Tuesday night home stand against the Baltimore Orioles, a squirrel took center stage and absolutely freaked out an entire row of Yankees fans.

Yes, the camera caught a squirrel scurrying across part of Yankees Stadium as the New York fans in the stands all looked in shock and awe as the little fella just went right by them before jumping off the perch.

Don’t worry; the broadcasters seemed to indicate the squirrel was just fine as it jumped out of the stands onto the ground.

However, the reaction from these Yankees fans is just too good to ignore.

Have you ever reacted to a squirrel like that? Like, c’mon, this is the absolute pinnacle of reactions to animals just doing animal things.

This squirrel probably had no idea that it was being filmed and that it was going to go viral, and neither did these fans.

However, you just never know when a squirrel is going to run past you when you’re watching a baseball game and how you’re going to react to it.
