Coronavirus: South Africa’s Sunshine Tour providing stipends to players

As the coronavirus pandemic has paused most professional golf, South Africa’s Sunshine Tour is taking care of its players.

In an effort to help players of Sunshine Tour, which is based in South Africa, officials announced on Thursday they’ll offer a monthly stipend to offset some of the losses incurred by golfers and caddies during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Women’s Professional Golf Association, in conjunction with the Sunshines Ladies Tour, announced that similar stipends will be given to the top 25 South African professionals on that tour.

The Sunshine Tour halted play on March 16, but following a call for solidarity from South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, the tour announced the stipends, which will be proportioned on a scale according to their various categories of membership for April and May.

“These are extraordinary times for our country, and they require an extraordinary response from all South Africans,” Sunshine Tour Commissioner Selwyn Nathan said in a statement.

“Our board has fully endorsed and approved this financial plan for our members, and those of the WPGA and the Sunshine Ladies Tour, as we believe wholeheartedly that this is the right course of action to support our membership base in a manner and on a level that will ensure the longevity of our Tours and help our members through these trying times.”

All caddies who are registered with the South African Caddie Association who were active during the 2019-20 season will also receive a stipend for April and May, the release said.

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“I would like to thank GolfRSA and the WPGA for the solidarity they have shown in this regard, and also say a special thank you to all the staff of the various Tours for the financial sacrifice they are willing to make in what are clearly very difficult and uncertain times for them as well,” Nathan added.

“South African professional golf is a very close family, and as such we will stick together in times of crisis.”

Meanwhile, to help with the funding, the executive staff of the Sunshine Tour agreed to take a voluntary staff reduction through that same two-month timeframe.