Skull & Bones rating hints that a launch date isn’t far off

Ubisoft’s pirate adventure may not be fish food.

After many years of delays, Ubisoft’s Skull & Bones may finally come out. 

As reported by VGC, the PC version of Skull & Bones was given a Mature rating on South Korea’s Game Rating and Administration Committee’s website on Wednesday. Typically, games only receive ratings when release is imminent. Couple this with the recent insider program registration offer, and it’s sure looking like Skull & Bones could launch soon.

Last month, footage of Skull & Bones leaked online. Many questioned if the video was authentic, partially because it didn’t look great on multiple levels. Surprisingly, Ubisoft later told GLHF that the leak was indeed genuine. Also, the official Skull & Bones Twitter account recently teased that more information is on the horizon. So yeah, get ready.

Announced way back at E3 2017, Skull & Bones is supposed to be a rip-roaring pirate adventure game on the high seas. Pretty much Ubisoft’s spin on Sea of Thieves, only with an emphasis on ship-to-ship combat. Think of the navel battles in Assassin’s Creed Blag flag, but with (obviously) more to it. 

Skull & Bones has seen many delays already, so who knows how it’ll turn out.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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Leaked Skull & Bones tutorial is more Black Flag-Eve Online than For Honor with boats

In a tutorial leaked from a technical test build today, we get our first look at what Skull & Bones is now – and it’s more pseudo-MMO with crafting, gathering, and PvE than straight PvP game.

It’s been a long (long, LONG) time since Skull & Bones was first announced with a look of For Honor on the high seas. PvP focus, skill-based gameplay, some oddities – it was Ubisoft’s heyday of making stuff just off the beaten path enough to be interesting. Then it was delayed, and delayed, and delayed, and changed game director and devs and essentially what’s carrying the name now is a distant relative at best. However, in a tutorial leaked from a technical test build today, we get our first look at what it is now – and it’s more pseudo-MMO with crafting, gathering, and PvE than straight PvP game.

There’s a lot of Ubisms in there, from a big open world with a thousand tasks to do, to endless progression and character customization. However, there is also a little bit of MMO and RPG in there – you go out looking for materials to mine with your crew. You have to feed and water your crew or they’ll rebel against you. There are NPC pirate-hunters and merchants to flee or fight, as well as the wiles of other players. Honestly, it looks rather cool, though the basic voiceover and the fact it’s an all video, no gameplay tutorial suggest we’re a ways off.

Interestingly there’s no sign anywhere in the video of measures to prevent this – no covered up QR codes or unique identifiers for whoever leaked this. Given the quality of the video as well as the reasonable content it covers, there’s certainly been more damaging leaks, but as always it’s a shame to see things before they’re ready. There are a couple of obvious bugs and oddities in the footage, like weirdly moving ships. However, considering the hell the game has been through to get to this point, it’s looking remarkably stable.

There’s little indication in the video of how close to finished the game is, though it’s clearly in a pretty reasonable state – lots of complex animations, proper models for everything, nice VFX. At a guess, I’d say we’re likely to see more from the game, officially, this year, likely at whatever not-E3 showcase Ubi put on or attend.

We reached out to Ubisoft for comment, and the reply was a predictable “we don’t comment on rumours or speculation” – guess we’ll have to wait a little longer for something more meaty on Skull & Bones.

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