Watch: Notre Dame football levels up on season recap video

Leveling up in 2021

Although this past season was not quiet as successful as last year, going 11-1, their only loss to a College Football Playoff participant in Cincinnati, and making a New Year’s Six bowl game is still one hell of a season.

What makes it even better is when the official Notre Dame Football Twitter account creates a video to recap the season. With social media being such an important part of programs in this age of football, having a staff that puts out great content is paramount. The Irish have exactly that and once again shared a video recapping this great season. Take a look for yourself below.

NFL win total prediction recap

Transparency and accountability are important in life, that’s why its time to review our team total over or under prediction from way back in August. There were some obvious hits, some huge misses – hello San Francisco and Buffalo – and some close …

Transparency and accountability are important in life, that’s why its time to review our team total over or under prediction from way back in August. There were some obvious hits, some huge misses — hello San Francisco and Buffalo — and some close calls. The total record for the year was 13-17-2 Let’s get to it.