Report: Kevin Warren to hold a conference call with Big Ten athletes, coaches and administrators

The Wisconsin Badgers and the rest of the Big Ten are not playing football this fall, that much is known. It was reported today…

The Wisconsin Badgers and the rest of the Big Ten are not playing football this fall, that much is known. It was reported today, though, that (finally) Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren is holding a conference call with Big Ten athletes, coaches and administrators that has the chance to create a dialogue about the season postponement and future steps for the conference.

Pat Forde did also report that the “call originated as a previously scheduled Big Ten Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism task force. Express purpose was not to discuss fall sports decision,” though this is the first known direct dialogue between Big Ten leadership and those directly involved with the sport since the season was postponed two weeks ago.

If you ask me, this is something that would’ve been useful, I don’t know, when the decision was being discussed? And even though it was a previously scheduled call to discuss anti-hate and anti-racism, it’s likely that this call will also address the sport and at least some of the thought process behind postponing the season.

Leadership and communication are key in moments and situations like this, and I’ve written extensively about how this lack of leadership and communication will prove costly for the future of the sport.

Related: What the NCAA can do to fix the structure of college football and save the sport

Hopefully this opportunity will finally put the players, coaches and administrators on the same page as Warren and the conference’s leadership, though it may be too little too late. Badger and Big Ten fans can mostly hope at this point that the future of the conference and the sport are in a good spot as we around the country deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.


Check back in to BadgersWire in the near future as we address the result of this call and analyze where the conference is heading going into the spring and next fall.