Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Design LTD putters

Scotty Cameron’s newest limited-edition putters are inspired by classic convertible cars.

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Gear: Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Design LTD putters
Price: $750 each
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel with adjustable sole weights
Available: July 26

Who It’s For: Deep-pocketed golfers who demand a high level of precision and want a stylish, eye-catching putter.

The Skinny: This limited-edition run of Scotty Cameron blade putters blends the dual-milling design and shaping of the Super Select family with a black PVD finish, black shaft and black grip.

The Deep Dive: Scotty Cameron has immersed himself in the cultures of Southern California for decades, finding inspiration for his creations in things like the surf vibes of Encinitas and the American muscle cars that still cruise up and down the Pacific Coast Highway. At his studio in San Marcos, along with industrial sculptures that Cameron has made, you may also catch a glimpse of a vintage, tan Ford F100 that has a patina on the hood wheel wells.

The name of Scotty Cameron’s newest limited-edition putter line, the B3 Triple Black Design, draws inspiration from the world of automobiles, particularly convertibles. Just as a black car with a black interior and black top is often referred to as a triple black, Cameron’s putters come in a striking black PVD finish, with a black shaft and a black grip.

There are four B3 Triple Black Design putters, and all of the shapes will be familiar to blade putter aficionados — the Newport 2, Newport 2 Long Neck, Santa Fe and Catalina.

Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black
The Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black putters each have a single black alignment line and silver-toned “cherry bombs” on the back. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Each putter starts as a block of 303 stainless steel before it is milled into shape. Adjustable sole weights in the heel and toe allow fitters to modify the swing weight of the clubs easily. If you are looking for a high-contrast alignment system, you won’t find one in the B3 Triple Black Design putters. The single alignment line in the head putter is black. However, instead of the customary red dots on the back of each head (which are often referred to as cherry bombs), the dots are silver-toned in the B3 Triple Black Design putters.

Like the Super Select putters that were released in 2023 and the Phantom mallet putters that dropped in January, the B3 Triple Black Design putters feature a dual-milled face. The first milled creates deep, circular grooves that help the clubs create a deeper, richer sound and feel at impact. The second milling cuts off the sharp peaks produced by the first milling, so more of the hitting area makes contact with the ball for an enhanced feel.

Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black
The Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Newport 2 is a classic heel-toe weighted blade with a plumber’s neck hosel. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The most familiar-looking putter in the B3 Triple Black Design line is the Newport 2, a classic heel-toe weighted blade with a plumber’s neck hosel. The Newport 2 Long Neck has the same head, but the extended-length hosel makes it face-balanced, so the Newport 2 Long Neck is more suited for players who make a straight-back, straight-through stroke.

The B3 Triple Black Design Santa Fe has a similar shape to the Newport 2, but the edges are more rounded and the lines appear softer when you look down in the address position. Instead of a plumber’s neck hosel, the Santa Fe has a short flared neck. The combination of the Newport-style head and flared neck has previously been a tour-only option.

Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Santa Fe
Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Santa Fe has a short, flared hosel. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Finally, the B3 Triple Black Design Catalina blends the Newport shape with an extended-length, single-bend hosel, once again creating a face-balanced design.

Each of the four B3 Triple Black Design putters comes with a black Pistolini Plus grip, a stepless steel shaft that includes a custom B3 Triple Black Design LTD shaft band and a special B3 Triple Black Design LTD headcover.

Below are several images of the new Scotty Cameron B3 Triple Black Design LTD putters

Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)

The Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters for 2024 have been reimagined to make alignment and aim easier, while also enhancing feel and sound.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)
Price: $$449 and $499 (Phantom 11 Long)
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel and 6061 aluminum chassis with steel/tungsten weights.
Available: March 29 (Phantom 5, 5.5, 5S, 7, 7.5, 9 and 9.5), May 17 (Phantom 11, 11.5 and new Phantom 11 Long)

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Who It’s For: Golfers who want a mallet that is easy to align and aim while still getting the sound and feel of Scotty Cameron’s milled blade putters.

The Skinny: The Phantom putters for 2024 have been subtly tweaked so the entire head acts like an alignment aid, while the dual-milled face design enhances sound and feel in each of the five different head shapes.

The Deep Dive: Golfers who compete on the PGA Tour, LPGA and DP World Tour have loved the look and feel of Scotty Cameron blade-style putters for years, but the popularity of mallets increased over time. Today, about half of the Scotty Cameron putters you will see “inside the ropes” are mallets. But while most players add a mallet to their bag for extra forgiveness, they still want to maximize feel, get a pleasing sound at impact and like what they see when they look down at the club.

That’s why, besides Newport, Newport 2 and other blade-style putters, Cameron offers several different mallets in the Phantom lineup, which has been updated for 2024.

While recreational golfers typically see mallet putters as clubs offering more forgiveness, tour players usually see their most appealing feature as something else. Yes, larger putters tend to resist twisting on off-center hits more than blades, and the Phantom putters offer a higher moment of inertia (MOI) than the Scotty Cameron Super Select blades, but elite golfers often prefer mallets because they can hold bigger, more effective alignment aids.

Cameron wanted to make that the most significant point of emphasis in the 2024 Phantom family and worked with his team to make each head work as an alignment system. 

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11
The Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11 has an arrow alignment feature, along with angles on the chassis designed to help golfers focus on the target line. (Titleist)

For example, when golfers put a Phantom 11 putter down behind a ball, they see a pair of lines extending from the back of the head to the topline and forming an arrow. However, golfers may not even be aware that the topline edges in the heel and toe area have been angled inward toward the ball, while the back of the topline has also been angled toward the ball. The negative space between the wings in the back of the head also forms a second arrow. These features work together to aid a golfer in alignment, even if some of them are working subconsciously.

The Phantom 9 has two lines on the top, but while there is no arrow, the angles on the topline and the space between the wings in the back point the golfer’s eyes toward the ball and the target line.

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 5.5
The 202 stainless steel face of the Phantom X putters is duel milled to create a deeper sound and softer feel. (Titleist)

In addition to subtly modifying the putter shapes, Scotty Cameron and his team have updated the milling pattern in the hitting area. Each Phantom mallet still starts as a block of 303 stainless steel that is milled into shape, and 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum has been added in the soles to reduce weight in the center and increase the perimeter weighting, but now the Phantom putters have come with the same dual-milling face that debuted in 2023’s Super Select family

During the process, a milling machine passes over the face, makes deep cuts in the hitting area and removes ribbons of steel. Then, a second milling pass shaves the points off the hitting area created during the first milling pass, flattening them. The result is a face that creates the sound and feel of a deep-mill pattern but also puts more steel on the ball at impact to enhance a golfer’s sense of touch.

Finally, Cameron gave the 2024 Phantom putters a new rubber grip. For years, Scotty Cameron putters have come with very slender or pistol-style grips, but the Phantom putters come standard with a paddle-style grip that is flat on the top and features minimal taper. 

Below is a closer look at the 2024 Scotty Phantom 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 putters.