Disney+ UK is set to launch a new Disney+ Original unscripted documentary series “Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story,” a tale of success against adversity for the fledgling Formula 1 team in 2009. The series will premiere on Disney+ in the UK and Hulu in the United States on November 15.
The series stars Keanu Reeves (“John Wick” and “The Matrix”) as host and executive producer, in addition to Formula 1 legends Ross Brawn, Jenson Button, Nick Fry, Rubens Barrichello and Christian Horner. The unscripted documentary series hosted by Reeves tells the story of how Ross Brawn made the impossible happen in 2009. His understaffed, underfinanced, and independent team won the world championship taking on the biggest titans of the industry — all after purchasing the team for just £1.
Read the full story at VintageMotorsport.com.